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okay so....I just sorta realised something.  This page is actually a spoiler to a  certain extent for my other comic Found.  If you havent read Found this page kinda errr..yeah its a spoiler. the thing is i cant really help that as theres a bit of overlap between the two, so apologies if you havent read the whole of Found sorry sorry.

Anyway have a shine page read this before reading ahead... 


Theres more to paul and martins appearance difference other than martin dying his blue hair dark, but thats plot for a different day.  Star is very much like me, if theres stuff to do I will get stuck in an help, i cant stand standing around and not doing anything if theres stuff to be done LOL

And yup its still thursday by 17 minutes I have been so naughty this week disregarding my own upload schedule what a rebel.



it's so strange conversing with both of my comic husbands


kids... as in... more than one... what are their names?!


Uhoh alone time with the girl, and star doesn’t know the details of what is and is not shareable. Also curious about the 3rd panel is hand going spare, standard UK phrasing or Star special phrasing. Never know with how Americans have messed with English.


Hehe nice spoiler ;) I have red your awsome comic Found


Oh neat! Shared universe. I've read Found already so I know whats going on, but thats adorable nonetheless. :3


Hehehehehe. Star is going to melt on that couch. Guaranteed!


"Let's gave a chat." ? That seems to indicate she knows something about Star. But I could be wrong. Looking forward to see where things go.


It’s not that big of a spoiler, but thanks for the heads-up 😘


"going spare" is certainly a common enough phrase here in the UK https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/spare I've certainly used the phrase myself but then again I say all sorts of stuff others don't so maybe I've wonkified something by accident


YAY Gem and Paul and Kids!! I loved Found...I've been happy seeing the reworked pages if only so i can rediscover it


dun dun DUN!!!! a chat with the girlfriend... always a scary milestone in poly dating O.O