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These pages in the original were giant walls of text.  Im gonna try and make sure i dont quite do that this time round....but no guarantees because i suck at that sort of storytelling, you'd think after all these years of drawing comics id be better at less words, but i seem to have gone the opposite and often write MORE words LOL

Anyway have a Found page 




And soon she’ll discover that the doctor won’t judge her and that she’ll feel comfortable enough to go all-in.

Alex J Waddington

If you have to go with lots of text, maybe try left panel is text, right panel is a picture, than swap them each row. I'm no expert, but I think I've seen that in a bunch of webcomics when they needed to get some background or plot out to continue the story


Sometimes, the more, the merrier (Don't change, I find it more appealing that way)


What happened to 52?