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So a little bit of a time jump.  I thought about Star going back home and thinking a lot, but in all honesty those pages would probably have been kinda dull and actually not really progressing the story any.  So a small time jump just to keep thing interesting.  I hope it's not too jarring.


This page really makes me miss going to gigs.  Before corona Gigging was a large chunk of my life so well over a year since my last mosh pit.



Time skips are neat


That's definitely not me bouncing at the bar in this universe. 😁


It could be your night off. Also this isnt the nightclub this is some back alley skanky building. You only bouncer at the swanky venues LOL


The skip begins at the invitation and ends in front of the event. I would say that's the perfect place for a time skip ^-^


LoL poor Star can’t spill the whole story for her friends to truly understand how much has happened in so little time.


So wait. How does a mosh pit work for tiny squirrels? Wouldn't they leak? 🤔


Despite the reputation of punk's they're actually a super sweet and cuddly lot...(most of them) so you can pretty much guarantee that if there was a tiny squirrel in the most out there would be a big bunch of guys being very careful not to step on her. I've been to gigs where there have been toddlers in the moshpit and it's frikkin adorable LOL




I've never been to a concert with a mosh pit before lol


I love the lineless style of the middle panel so much omg ❤ it looks so good! Youve got me nostalgic for clubbing now