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I am genuinely excited for the next chunk of teh comic.  Its gonna be so much fun but gosh the pages are gonna get complicated to colour.  Im kinda thankfull i cut this down to one a week because theres no way id beable to fit two in at a time.  Read the page first before reading on kay?


I really love how dorky Martin can get, like he can put up a tough front when he has to but it doesnt take too much digging to see that actually he's a big softie.  im sure Star is gonna have him wrapped around her finger pretty quickly.

Also theres only like 11 days left to vote for the ursa major award winners.  Shine AND Found both made the final short list but I need you lovely people to actually vote for me.  It would be crazy (and nigh on impossible to win)  But coming second could be possible but only with your help, all you need is an email address to get a voting key and then vote.  Please thankyou lots I will owe you all big time!!! https://ursamajorawards.org/voting2020/



just a tip on the vote link there has to be an / at the end or otherwise it won't work


...the link does have a / at the end doesnt it? Like I can see one and if i click the link it works

Kitty Angel

For me, the Patreon mobile app seems to strip off the final '/' before passing the link to the browser. Works fine in the browser, but not in the app.


Is the comic finishing after the base stuff, or are there more story arcs planned?






Can we go to Martin's salon?? Plz plz plz


Don’t know if you noticed or maybe you said you saw it already idk but the second panel has the word “shoudl” in martins last dialogue box.


I just wanted to write that too. "shoudl" - kinda like it *giggles*