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Sorry this is later in the day than normal. I've decided this'll be the norm from now on,  normally I post super early in the morning then spend the whole day trawling back and forth between here and FA doing commenting damage control and answering notes/pms/twitter dms on the new page so it eats a large chunk of my day, so mondays wednesdays and fridays often get largey written off by admin tasks.  By posting later in the day I can actually get a days work done then concentrate on the admin in the evening, thus making this squiggle waaay more productive without having to worry about the comments section turning into a circus whilst i work LOL.

I explained over on the patreon telegram group...

(  quick link if people want it https://t.me/joinchat/Qtb_rfZ9_bhgakbe  )

but thought i better explain it here too.  Anyway thank you for sitting patiently like good kiddos, You can now have a Shine page




Awws what heartwarming page


I very much needed the good vibes this page gives today.


Aww 🥰


Heartwarming indeed ❤️


I was waiting for something like this. ^^

Night Mist

Very heartwarming piece.


Posting later in the day is perfect for me. Less chance of getting myself distracted from going to bed. Now they post at 6am which is perfect! Silly Star, let the grown ups handle it. Lol

samantha rebecca clarkson

Yay. That was a sweet page after the few rough ones that poor star has been through. 🤗


But like, what's going on with that fundraiser now?


Alright! I think that's enough of sad Star. Let's get her ready for some cute playtime with her friends. That's why she came here, after all.