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So here we are..Page one.  I should warn you this comic is rather....self indulgent.  It generally just hammers all my buttons fairly constantly and consistently and  it's very much an adult comic.  

Themes:  Non-consent, a little bit of violence, a mild sedative or two, there's swearing and some sex stuff a little later down the line(tho the sex stuff IS consensual) err funbags.....there might be a winky or two eventually.  I'll try to keep trigger warnings on pages that require them but The comic isnt nearly as heavy as Shine or Found so there shouldnt be much call for any of that.

You're gonna hafta like...suspend belief a little.  This can't really happen in real life so I'd rather folk just...you know kick back and enjoy it for the silly bit of fiction that it is and not think too hard about it, this is me basically just drawing my own fantasies out on digital paper for the world to see  *Blushes lots*..So errr with that all said...Have page one..




I've read this in cushypen so far its awesome




Oh my. Can already tell this is going to be interesting.


So your posting house broken here now?


Ooh, can't wait to see more of this! It looks great :D


Yup I can only do that as the pages time out of cushypen though so one page this month, one page in march and then from that point i can post 2 pages each month as from april last year i started doing 2 pages of the comic for cushy. Cushy will always be a year ahead on the comic


Next page on cushy comes out on the 6th and I really love how that one came out.


A new comic! 😃 I might turn into a brat if you keep spoiling us like this 😋 Thanks for sharing your awesome fantasy and art this way! 💛💖


Oooohohoho~ I saw bits of this on Cushypen before. >w> This is gunna be goooooooooooooooooooooooooooood~


Star just seems to get into all sorts of trouble huh?