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Hmmm Marellis's tummy is making very suspicious gurgling noises  I do hope nothing  is going to happen to the poor chap.

This page feels particularly wordy, so sorry for that, but I suppose it begs the question, how do you know if someone's telling the truth or not, does it even matter if you've made up your mind?




This can go very wrong, or a new unexpected friendship is being born. I have my doubts about Mary’s story and reliability, but I’m on the believers side...for now.


oh my god.... i know its partly because of an experience you had yourself.... but somehow i think this might be going into an situation where they say sorry to each other and the relationship being way better then before and they even do abdl stuff. I think that would be really cute to be honest. Its like Dragon Ball Z! Bad guy turns into good guy


Love this page! ^_^


Unexpected turn of events. It would certainly be more original and unexpected for the villain to turn out to be a misunderstood misfit with no outlet for his indulgences, than the sadistic bastard we’ve seen before now. This could be a foundation for Star and Marellis to get on better at work from now on, but I’m not convinced yet he’s being honest. He could just be trying to save his hide, given the taxing situation he’s in (gurgle...gurgle lol). I wouldn’t believe someone who tried to blackmail me and harassed me at work as he did to Star and then tried to play the victim. We’ll see...


did you know? grey look better than black and white


While I want to believe his story, and I think most ABDLs have been in a similar situation, im notnsure I can forgive him. What he did to Star goes beyond correcting her behavior at work. He physically punished her and psychologically tortured her with that flyer and event stunt. There is no way he didn't know what she would be thinking when people started to make jokes and he purposely stayed out of the office so she couldn't confront him. No, his behavior is so far beyond appropriate


I hope he tries to make it and fails dramatically. Lol


>:C you are not allowed to make me feel bad for him goshdarnit.

Vinny the Stump

Honestly, while I still have my doubts about Marellis, I am glad to see Star is taking the high road. Personally, I've never liked revenge, it always, from what I've seen, ends poorly, even if you succeed in it. You are just giving the other person fuel to hate you and it just goes around and around....sorry for the rambling. Anyway, great page Star as always. Can't wait to see more. 🥰


Here's the thing. If Mary is telling the truth that doesn't make this okay. He was being incredibly predatory and abusive. The video taping? It was in one of the rooms where the play was more sexual so he was taping people in vulnerable positions without their consent. Even if just for himself that would be highly inappropriate. If he'd just used his knowledge to keep Star in line that would still have been abusive and terrible but potentially could be considered misguided, but he didn't. He tried to force her to engage in play with him. He spanked her. He revealed her secret to the whole base. That's not just trying to correct her behaviour. No matter his reasoning he is still going to be a villain for me (love the page, btw, this is just me expressing my opinion not critiquing anything)


Ether this goes a way where everyone is happy and Matt sees the error of his ways or he could just assault some one and try to leave. I’m looking forward to seeing which


Star is 100% badass certified


Hrm... I won't deny that being stuck in a relationship with someone who isn't into the kinks I am can really suck (hell, been there before) but that still isn't anywhere near justifying using that stuff to blackmail Star. My guess is that he really had some serious pent up daddy desires and that having the opportunity to indulge them, even under some really horrible pretenses, was just too tempting for him. Does that justify it? HELLS NO. But it does explain why. He's just convinced himself that it was 'to correct her behavior at work' even though it means his own conduct at work was unprofessional as hell to say the LEAST (and illegal, lets not forget illegal. Blackmail.)_


Also, wow Patreon's comments are behaving fuck-y today.


Gosh Lure looks so cute in this page!


No no no NO STAR! Are you forgetting what he did?! He SEXYALLY ASSAULTED you at work. No matter what your behavior at work was like, that's NEVER justified. And even when you DID start working your ass off he still kept using your ABDL side to make your life at work horrible. Don't you DARE let him off easy for this!


Respect for Star taking the high road. Then again, I still feel like there will be some amount of revenge involved in some capacity.


I mean, even if he's 100% telling the truth, he was still being a sadistic bastard.


I do hope Mary makes a better baby than boss or caretaker.


RIP. If he's telling the truth then I feel bad for him but the damage is done. The correct measures are being taken to protect everyone from those that would harm them. Yep, sorry dude but you need to leave.


I do like that he is definitely being punished for what he did. As Manda said flat out that she talked to the person in charge for the event and that he is banned from her event or any event in the area. So even after this he definitely doesn't have an outlet for his side of him anymore unless he moves


I approve of Star taking the high road and releasing him from his bondage. Coercion should not be met with coercion. However, I feel there should be no sympathy or forgiveness for his actions until he does a penitence of his own free will. Stopping him from taping at another party is a good start but his abuse of power needs to also be dealt with. If not him losing his job he at least needs to transfer either himself or Star so that he is no longer her superior. I don't think that working relationship could ever recover. His intentions of making her a more obedient soldier is a weak argument at best. Everything Star did at work was within regulations while his actions were not.


The honesty is nice (assuming he is telling the truth), but even if his relationship with his wife is rough, there is no excusing what he did. Even if Star wasn't in the picture, nobody at the party consented to be his private jerk-off material. Then when you add Star into the equation, he loses any excuse of desperation mixed with extremely poor judgement when he not only blackmails her, but includes "play" in his manipulation and abuse of her.


She shouldn’t trust him and be so forgiving. Gotta really bad feeling he may hit the nuclear button even if it blows up on him too. He’s proven how malicious and authoritative he can be, the last thing I’d do would be to soften up on him the moment he feigns any vulnerability


Like seriously, he forced Star to dye her hair, had her over his knee spanking her, and even went as far to make an enormous public spectacle of Star being exposed after he agreed to leave her be. What is the event just cancelled now? This has soooo many red flags for me


If he does not cancel, Star (or Tessa) can use the "Stalemate" situation so that "Mary" can either be an additional base baby, or the substitution (almost like a public humiliation) in a way to try apologizing to the community, even though Sarge isn't going to be accepted to any ABDL-related events. In a way, this could help screening those with malicious intents, but it's a double-edge sword since it can also scare newcomers...

Vinny the Stump

For sure, no sympathy for what he did and there should be consequences especially for his conduct at work, I just don't like the whole "eye for an eye" thing.


Star is aware of that, but you gotta keep in mind that Aunty Tessa also works at the base, so it is crystal clear that "Mary" will behave, and avoid adding extra trouble on our beloved eurasian lynx. In other words, the ABDL community has that blue fox adequately punished with permanent repercussions


I'm a sucker for redemption arcs so I hope Marellis gets one. Even if IRL I would absolutely agree that there is no coming back from the awful behavior Marellis has displayed.