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Looks like Star is getting a little lesson in interrogation techniques I wonder if Tessa does courses, those might be useful skills to have...Or well, star could just get Bob on teh case then she wouldn't have to worry at all...In fact Im surprised Marellis has lasted this long without Bob taking him out and I don't mean, for spaghetti. 

 Where is Bob anyway?  *nervously looks around*




I am really interested to see what his answer is to that question. I have a few theories on it. So one could be that he legit filming so he has dirt on someone. Like someone has told Star, some of those people at the party are high up people, politicans, police, doctors, lawyers, and more. Could of try to get some dirt to help him out down the road. Then another option could be that this is all sexual for him. That he films this stuff so he can jerk off to it later. Nasty but people have different kinks and this could be his mess up way of getting off. I doubt he ever knew Star was gonna be there.


I think Sarge... sorry, I mean Mary almost looks to be sad on the last scene


Mary had little lamb! 🐑🐑🐑 XD


Bob is lying in wait watching for the perfect time to strike.


This next page is going to be really interesting... because honestly I've been wondering it myself. Is he blackmailing other people? Is he editing the faces out and selling the pictures to porn sites? Is he doing it for his own personal jollies? Is someone paying him to do this? Going to be one hells of a reveal next time.


Maybe bob was the one that taught Tessa about interrogation! :0


*dark leather chair dramatically turns around revealing italian mob boss Bob*


I see what you did there, because he’s a platypus? 😆


I hope Marellis leaves you alone after this. You've gone through enough Star TwT


Could also be a behavior to throw off people that want to over analyze because it increases the entropy of the system. Anarchy is a way to track chaos.


Bob is in charge of interrogation from the shadows, like a proper boss would.


A little hot sauce and that threat to put the gag back would be far scarier.