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It's unfair for some folk to know and others not, but the significance of Tessas hat colour in one of the previous pages, shows that she's SAS.  They're special.  My Grandad was in the SAS, My dad was in 1para and just from the memories of the various men i was supposed to call uncle (my dad's squad and grandads friends)  Even as young as I was you got this sense of..controlled chaos from them LOL.

My dad told me this story once, about how all the squads on base had to go for some kind of psyche evaluation, so each squad has to go in together, so when it comes to his squad going in, they sit in the waiting room and wait, bored they start playing around with knives or defacing waiting room magazines and  have a bit of a play fight and generally keep themselves amused....Turns out the psyche evalutaion WAS the waiting room wait.  Whilst the various other squads had generally sat quietly and waited, his had generally fucked the place up.

I suppose you have to be some sort of level of unhinged to throw yourself out of a perfectly working airplane

Both my grandad and dad were very similar in that they were both very practical men and wouldnt really tolerate deviation from that, it would be an instant anger flick switch if you were really seen to be wasting your time or doing pointless things, everything had to have a purpose or goal, like emotion didnt really come into it.

I think thats what i've always tried to show with Tessa, she's practical.  Theres an issue? Get it fixed, get it done, no time for tears, don't like it, tough. she's def on the sadistic side, enjoys control and is comfortable with that.  She's not really one for comforting or mollycoddling.

Anyway...have a shine page.




Neat info on Tessa, makes em even more of an interesting character by getting to know what their like.


I like the fact that Star stands out with het outfit, all cute and colorful. I do miss her previous hairstyle though.


Gosh these pages have made me giggle like a mad toddler child


Errr... Shopping 🤣


The look on stars face XD


Forced babzing! Ffor some the forced babzing, kidnapping and all relevant act can be disturbing (which I can fully understand), I still like to see included in this comic. I'm curious what decision will Star make, will she join the playdate with Lure and Mary, or she won't even have a chance as Tessa or Manda will think otherwise :P. And we still dunno if Mary is boiling inside and ready to explode or simply admit defeat and getalong. The possibilities...


I had no idea she was SAS, I remember reading a Jason Bourne book and one of his enemies was former SAS. If someone can make Bourne take them seriously enough to engage with caution, that person is definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Night Mist

...................................... Clever Girl.


Good Job Star good job @toddlergurl !


Paras were Princess Diana's bodyguard, do NOT go DISRESPECTING Princess Dianna I made an offhand remark & got my nose broken by an SAS trooper.


fucked up but pretty smort


Wooooooooah wait. She's SAS? Oh balls Matt is getting the easy way out. He's getting the soft option here. If HALF the rumors I've heard about SAS are true... wow... >_>;;;


interesting to get some back story thats much appreciated and SAS none the less keep up the good work


Her expression in panel 3 is just killing me. Lol


I’m deathly curious as to what Tessa was going to say about Martin before he told her “not now”. Guessing that’s a story for later in the comic though


There is something extra cute about the juxtaposition of Star sitting there having a very serious conversation while in just a t-shirt and diaper.