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Marellis has like zero clue, I thought you were supposed to be in intelligence, Mate?

This page annoys me. I bollocksed the second panel it didnt come out the way it was supposed to.

But it's a page so Huzzah!




Mmmmmm thats good schaudenfreude~ >w>


Oooh hehehehe im so ready to see him get whats comin hehehe GONNA GET LIKE A 15 MAYBE 20 MINUTE TIME OUT


He’ll get what he deserves 😌


Yey. He really betrayed the trust of the event in general. This and worse has been a long time coming. As an organizer of little events, if one of the people in any of my parties has done what he did, I'd be out for blood.


looove this page. But tell me, whats with the hat difference? I don't know anything about Military stuff. is it just a design decision of yourself or is it on purpose to show there on different ranks?


Revenge is bitter sweet but I do like manda so this should be good.


if im correct, tessas should be Special air service, while marellis is general service.


My gue ss is Marellis only know that Tessa was at the party but know nothing about her. The face of panel 2 is not too bad... i mean if he knew manda well he would have run or try to find an explantation immediately if he don't know her... well his ego is caressed. how can he resist?


He's not very bright, is he?


The revenge is so sweet >:)


I don't think you bollocked the second panel, toddlergirl@yahoo.co.uk , Is Tessa an Officer?


Wait wait wait wait Tessa is SAS?!?!?! Oh boy Marellis, is in a world of trouble, though now it makes since why nobody knew she was enlisted.


He is so screwed LOL I was in a bit of a ..connudrum with her uniform. Like my grandad was SAS and my dad was 1para but I honestly didnt know what the...ettiquette was in terms of how SAS carry themselves whilst on base in terms of their uniform I know out in teh field they dont generally have any distinguishing features but on base do they wear insignia or just wander around incognito there too. I couldnt phone my dad to ask cause he would then grill me about why I wanted to know HAHA, and couldnt contact grandad without a ouija board. Google was zero help (funnily enough giving trade secrets away online kinda defeats the prupose) So I just went with the cap and left everything else off. Im sure someone will smack me down if Ive gotten it wrong


Just after a cursory search, and you got it right! In 2018 there was a ruling on SAS on beards and appearances: The RSM has also ruled that the members of the regiment must wear the British Army uniform, including the famous SAS sand coloured beret and blue stable belt when in barracks."

samantha rebecca clarkson

By the way young missie. I think you need some corner time for swearing in your post on here. Just wait until auntie see what you typed


Called it again! I predicted Tessa worked on Star’s base, suspected it ever since she was introduced. I also figured she would be the first after Martin to find out one of her “little ones” was in trouble. Now let’s see Marellis get what he has long since deserved. On a slightly unrelated note I look forward to seeing what develops between Star, Martin, and this mystery significant other of his. I’m supposing that may be the last (one of) major arc of this story? She hasn’t had any time to dwell on it obviously but it seems to me she’s, deep down, intrigued by the idea of a poly relationship. Daddy-mommy-baby role play fantasy perhaps?


Thankyoo I managed to find details of what they wore off base but not what they wore on base and ...gosh the hours I put in to try and find that info was frikkin ridulous!

Jared Godwin

As it should be. Were I in one of those characters’ positions, I know I would be so mad I wouldn’t be able to see straight


I could see Tessa Telling it in a more... adventures way for little kids to better understand: "And that's how the good Witch Tessa lured the evil Dragon Marellis, who was terrorizing the poor Princess Twinkle, into a trap."


I'm curious now what Tessa's rank is. I'm not as familiar with the UK military, but typically US Special Forces are going to be higher rank per person in their unit than even other combat arms units. I'd expect Tessa to be at least a Sergeant if not higher, which to put in crass military terms, Tessa has a much bigger dick to swing around being SAS than Marellis could hope to in his career, to say nothing of her possibly being an officer.He has basically landed himself in the exact same situation he has put Star in.


If you scroll up a bit. to look at my first post someone answers this question and the God of this Comic agrees. Incase you don't want to scroll up. Tessa is Special Air Force and Mary is general Service


Oh it was SO worth the $10.73 to skip ahead to this page.


My thoughts exactly. I bet she got a lot of new Patrons because of page 364. The third page instead of the normal 2 was icing on the cake for me.


Wow :O neat page squig