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Its weird to think im already a third of the way to the first book

Heres the original page(altho look at the new one first I guess so you dont get spoilers)....I must admit when I first resaw that page as ive been working through the new versions I had to laugh at the state of that third panel and why the heck does she need a tv THAt big?  https://www.furaffinity.net/view/6130697  Holy heck Gem, sitting that close you're gonna get square eyes...whatever that means 

Anyway heres the new version




Don’t we all have these moments sometimes?

Jared Godwin

God, I hate when I get like this. Worst feeling ever. Good job on the new version. It’s crazy how much better everything looks. Good job

William Kennard

Oooof this page. Gotta say the shading and setup in the new is a good ambiance. And eh, perhaps a quasi theatre experience is why she has a tv that big XP