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So  Its officially Christmas here.  It's been a weird year, but if theres been one positive its been that ive been able to double th output of this comic.  This would page would have been Much much closer to the time NEXT year if it hadnt been for teh pandemic so errr....

Merry Christmas.  I hope everyone has a nice one.  Im not really allowed online for christmas day so have this early..ish....


Dont say I never give you anything nice for christmas.  Oh and no spoilers for non patreons please.

Anyway have a good one.



This is by far the best twist Ive ever seen. So satisfying! Well done.






WHAT A TWIST, well I wasn't expecting that 🤣


O-oh my god... I hope you have a very merry Christmas too! Be safe and well!


I'm glad you told me to come back on crimmas! Reading through the pages, knowing he gets this will be quite worth it <3 Also Star's top is fresh as heck :o


XD ok, THAT is perfect! Blackmail goes both ways now BIOTCH!


OH NOOOOOO 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Finlayyyyy! Revenge!


Now that’s a twist


Still doesn't make up for that flyer and the event, but its a start! Maybe he can take her place!!!


Well this page was funny and a good twist which probably no one saw coming.

Night Mist

This should sum up my reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOB0lU_1kMc


I have such a bad feeling about this... is he trying to get on Manda’s good side to have leverage over Star in her safe spaces? I can’t wait to read more and see where you take the story!


Revenge is a dish best served sissified


OMG... this is tooooo good.... I love it


This is the greatest thing. I. Have. Ever. Seen.


Neither was I I totally took marellis as a daddy/dom but this is awesome.


ohh this will be good


I did NOT see that coming. 🤣 This is one heck of a Christmas present. Hope your's is wonderful.


I don't think he doing this out of his own will 😅 I think Manda is forcing him. Maybe even took pics to kinda force him to back off Star. And let Star have some revenge on him for what he put her through


I’ll bet Tessa was involved in this, she would have known in a second that he had been taking photos or video at the party when that flier went around


I swear when I first opened the page he registered as Lure and even when I eventually got to the last panel it took a few seconds for what I was looking at to register and I probably made a face similar to Star's the panel before. I had a feeling something like this was going to be in his future but did not at all expect it to happen this way. Quite the Christmas gift indeed.


Pfffffft hahahahahahah Qq


Ha taste of your own medicine, with a slice of humble pie. Cannot wait to see where it goes from here. What will Star make him do 😲 Oh dear.


yesssssssssssss. This fills me with joy


This is with out question the BEST solution to this problem! Get everything he deserves!

Princess PinkiePie

😭😭😭 Monday is a long ways away Love this page

Jace A

I feel conflicted... he's an absolute blackmailing prat, but to me that's a reward :P Great christmas pressie page!


Okay, Mind blown. Now if only little Star had a camera to take a video to even the score. I also wonder if her other friend contacted Manda? Either way that is awesome payback.


That being said, I hope Manda has enough fuses in her home to replace the ones that little sight just blew in Star's brain.


Given all the it’s on purpose to give Star leverage comments. Might I remind you folks of page 327. Manda is not supposed to know. If he Told then he broke his word, and while it might have been for a good purpose if he did it’d still not be good. If Manda doesn’t know and it’s a surprise for both. Then Uhoh this could blow up. Plain and simple I see some eventful pages coming.




That...... is something i never thought of... wow.... So.... I think that Manda was the one to come up with that charity thing i think. But i wonder how did she get him to come over. Don't tell me He is coming over to her alot.


Mwha ha ha! Justiiiiice! Not at all where I saw this going, but GOSH am I glad I became a Patron to see this on release. Lovely progression and framing of The panels, and sweet sweet comeuppance! >:D


Wow they really pulled a seal team 6 on him. Bravo, but now I’m painfully curious to how they got him there like that


I feel like whatever strings Martin would pull to help Star, it was unavoidable for Manda to feel the reverberations. Either Manda sleuthed it out on her own (she knew Star was uneasy about something at the party) or whoever Martin reached out to for help got Manda involved. In either case I do agree that these next few pages are going to be spicy.


Omg haha


you know I had a feeling he would be there, but not like this lol


Wow can’t say I saw that coming . I love it

Cloud Grandson

I don't think I've had a good belly laugh in a while and seeing Marellis get his just deserts is absolutely amazing~💗


oh my fu** what, what am i looking at, i cant prossess . were is lure?


Well... that was, well... unexpected


I've given up guessing where this train is going, but certainly enjoying the ride. Also shame on anyone giving you grief over what you do with your own characters in your story.


Now that is quite the Christmas gift lol


Is this a white car without its headlights on in a blizzard because I did not see this coming


I didn’t think about this until later after commenting on the previous page but I thought something involving Marellis would come up later. I was worried that “Uncle Matt” would show up later for the evening, putting a horribly awkward downer on little Star’s much needed baby time. But this was an unforeseen yet much welcome blindside! I’m betting this was a part of Martin’s plan. Maybe they’re gonna film this as revenge for the blackmailing. That would solve this crisis sooner than I was expecting. Also I just noticed Star’s new shirt matches the color of her previously dyed trademark hair. Clever little detail. Such a great twist. Looking for more as always, and Happy Holidays.

Maika Bluestone

Well... Karma's a biiiiii...nana. Karma's a banana.


Wow this comic gave me whiplash. I think this makes the comic fun though. Seeing the justice served and exactly what lengths did Amanda have to go through to achieve this. I hope this is solid just to see how Star proceeds with it knowing that she still has to dress up as a baby for the fund raiser


This is better than any Christmas gift I could have ever asked for. My heart feels so full of joy and wonder right now. Can't wait to see how this goes.


:O Oh My Goodness! I'm so Excited to see how this unfolds!


Best👏Christmas 👏page👏ever🎊

Jared Godwin

Cancel that order on the 2x4, this should do nicely

Luca 'Renee' Shoal

A BWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH?????????? You've made me swing back to dream territory again young lady. If this is the real life though, hoo BOY I can't wait to see FA comments in a week. WOW




so daddy did tell aunty that did not like the fact that someone were blackmailing littles. Good on martin side i guess ^^ Star face is priceless.


Omg YEEEEEES this was a big curveball that was definitely needed


D'awwww little Mary looks so cute while pouting! I could imagine that "Aunty" Tecca saw the flyer too and know Star wouldn't do something like this voluntary and "talked" to Marellis.


*jaw drop* holy crap did not see that coming


OK so I really don’t know how to express just how hard I laughed at the last panel.. lol, rofl, lmfao, I think I just peed are way to mild. Now all Star needs is a sissy pink strapon to properly play with little Marry


How funny would it be if Manda didn’t know about the blackmail? How much worse would she make it for little Marry?


Yeah you have to pay attention to squiggles or she will surprise the hell out of you.






Oh, wow. Didn't expect that, she works fast! Heh


So many comments, so it made thinking a lot of us :). Surely the comic will take a different aspect from there. I can imagine either Star for some reason will feel guilty for Lil Mary or either she will laugh herself to death. The upcoming panels will show more of Star's personality as she eihter will took for oppurtinity with revenge or simply set the rules between them with a pactum of keeping quiet (as both of them has blackmail material).


Really great comic and enjoying it a lot, and glad to see you are improving a lot through the comic pages and always try inject more and more abdl aspect & element


I just became a Patron in the last few days, but I'm so glad I became one at this time! The past few pages have been stellar!


Yes revenge is so sweet yay :D Merry Christmas squiggle hope you enjoy it with your friends and family Merry Christmas all


Best Christmas ever


Good... goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood... ... wait... was the charity thing Manda's idea? o_o I mean, if they do that then the blackmail that Martellus has becomes totally worthless! O_O Yeah it means Star gets embarrassed, but it also means that if anyone sees pictures of her from then on she has an airtight alibi that it was just a trial run for the charity!


I’m done trying to figure out where the story is going my head hurts from all the twists

Sabrina Liney

Wow didn't see that coming. Merry Christmas everyone


I had my guess that Marellis would be stuck at Manda's since I had read the page 361 on FA, never thought that my theory WAS the correct answer X3


Lmaf this is to good! We need him to the the charity event like that now 😂 karma is a bitch


Ahahahah <3


OMG... This I was not expecting!


Mind Blown ! Boom ! Gone ! I had to read the next shine page to finally realize that Mary IS Marteliliss


Why am I horney