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Uh oh.  I hope Elly isn't too observant or Star has some explaining to do LOL.  I like how the pup is happily asleep and then just dumped so its like...well...screw you guys I'm off.

Since I'm here.  Just so folk are aware.  Ive been unfurloughed and I technically start back at my day job on Thursday.  I've thought about cutting back on comics as a result of less time...but I've since decided to keep the upload limit the same and see if I can juggle both.  We shall see how it goes :D So for the time being theres no change.  So..im not sure what Im talking about as a result LOL




Haha, never trust Bob


Look down, Elly!


Amazing page!


I know that feeling of betrayal by plushies, they often screw things up, just for the fun of it 🤨 And yes, Please look down Elly! I don’t know why I want her to do that, but it sounds exciting, and I really think she’ll understand for some reason 🤷‍♂️


*dramatic loud music plays*

samantha rebecca clarkson

Do not burn yourself out and if you can not do both then make sure you get your job done to the best you can. The comics can wait. Big huggles


Oh boy it’s about to get spicy. Hey sorry if my last comment stressed you out, I was only joking.


Bob you son of a gun! You have betrayed your mistress!..... Nice work~


Watch, Elly has known and just didn't want to say anything xD


*tugs at waistband*. I'll come check on you in the morning. ^.^ Star going super Nova in 5, 4...


Also 20 bucks says Elly is gonna wind up baby sitting star. UwU

Jared Godwin

I hope you are able to juggle both, but if it is too much, don’t burn yourself out


I'm absolutely loving the extra pages but please don't overwork yourself. Also, I really hope she saw. Lol