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So...this page...I dont think I did the real sequence justice but I didnt want to drag out the flashback for more than 3-4 pages.  This page could have been more upsetting.  The original story I still....You know there are certain key moments in your life that you kinda think. these are sorta make or break moments, this is a moment that defines me or at least the memory will be with me forever.

Have the shine page first actually


As a kid growing up in the army you kinda get shifted around a lot.  by the time I was 7 I'd already lived in 6 different places.  But when I was 6 I made a friend. Her name was Emma.  Emma and me we're inseperable until it came to the day my dad was posted elsewhere and suddenly we upped and moved. 

 I hadnt been told about this so at school we were getting ready to celebrate bastille day.  Me and emma were in house pegasus at school so we had certain duties to perform at the celebration including singing various french songs and doing certain arts and crafts and there was going to be a biiig bonfire and fireworks and it was all going to be super exciting.  We were told we needed to bring a torch with tissue paper over the top of our particular house colour (pegasus was blue) to the evening celebration.  So like weeks of prep went into this and I got super excited for fireworks and getting to be with my friend at this big bonfire party thing so I say goodbye to her at the school gate expecting to see her in a couple of hours....

That was the night we moved.  I have no idea why they made me go through all the learning of the various french songs and working on all the arts projects and doing all this cool stuff...I dont know why they couldnt just...like not move for an hour so I would  be able to go to the celebration take part sing my songs and have time to say goodbye.  But instead Im sat in the car thinking we're going to this thing...and suddenly we're driving in the opposite direction...It's then explained that we're moving away. but by that point It's too late.  No goodbyes no nothing...and then....as if orchestrated just to hammer the nail in harder, the fireworrks start going off.  Like Bye sam...This is what you could have won.  and im just sat there with my blue tissue paper torch feeling like my whole heart had just been ripped out.

I found it really hard to make friends after that.  Stars not like me in that aspect she's very personable, she can pretty much get along with anyone and has confidence to chat to strangers and stuff.  Sadly me...Not so much.


Malaise Tonic

That’s a rough experience. I’m sorry your parents made you go through it so harshly and with zero warning.


oh god that is so sad. im so sorry that happened to you D:


That's the most heart wrenching thing I've ever heard. I'm sorry you had to go through that squiggy. Have you ever been able to reconnect with Emma?


I learnt from a very young age...(about 9) That my parents were just people. LIke I understood very early that they couldnt help me, or fix my problems because they were in just as much of a mess. I ended up being their marriage councellor around that sort of point and yeah It was kinda tough, but it also menat I learnt to be fairly independant very early as a result. I think it helped me in a lot of ways and yeah probably messed me up in others HAHAH


No. LIke I knew her full name but it was pretty common and familys shift so much in the army without knowing her dads name and rank it was pretty impossible. Least thats what my dad told me cause for months i begged them to try and get in contact but I was told it wasnt possible


I suggest trying facebook and reaching out to your old school. They might have archived year books and you can start there.


That's super sad


I'm thinking that icky stuff is going to happen in the next page...


Wow. Who does that to a kid?! Way to give your child trust issues much.

Night Mist

Oh boy. I'm wondering what's happening to catch Star's attention.

Vinny the Stump

I am so sorry that happened to you. I wonder if your dad tried to get a later reporting time but his superiors wouldn't budge. Either way I am glad you are strong enough to be able to share all these moments with us. Thank you.


Why do I feel like this sequence will end in Star lifting the blanket


It was his net posting that made him quit the army. He got shipped out to Kenya and did some survival stuff out there and when he got back he was told he was going for officer training. Now everyone else had had months to prepare but he was given less than a week's notice but depsite this he was sailing thru the exams and coming top of the classes. Then one day he was called up to explain his poor performance and was told he was failing. My dad worked his ass off to make up the


Good lord that’s a tough upbringing for anyone. It’s amazing you became the person you are for it, not everyone could/would handle an experience(s) like that so well. Now, great page as usual. I love that nearly every character we’ve thus far seen has been fleshed out and given some background. We haven’t seen Ellie much since the early pages and it’s good we’re now seeing more about her and Star’s relationship. I’m going to guess (however correctly or not) this may serve as a reminder to Star how much she needs her friends, possibly about the blackmailing situation she’s in.

Jared Godwin

I really can’t relate to that side of things as much. I know it hurts, but I don’t know what it’s like. Either way, thank you for sharing