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Now this is something I genuinely dont have experience of.  Hiding baby stuff in a shared household.  I was never ever brave enough to do little stuff when I lived at home or even when I was in student halls at Uni.  When I lived at home there were 6 of us in a 2 bedroomed house so any chance of privacy wsa like...zero even when the teeny little boxroom got turned into an extra bedroom (Literally space for a bed and a v.small set of drawers and that was it) there was no locks on the door and younger sisters dont understand the concept of personal space or boundaries...so nope.  It probably didnt help that the internet wasnt a thing back then so like there was no way to know adult diapers existed and you certainly couldnt buy them online. 

 I wonder if id been a kid these days whether i'd be able to resist buying a secret stash from ABU and just getting caught LOL

Errr  Oh yeah you're here for a Shine page




Yes Star. you can and should do that. You know you want to


Put it on. I doubt your roommate would judge you if she caught you wearing it


I am very happy that I live with my mother who is not curious about what I do in my room. But I don't think she would care so much if she found my diapers, she is very chill in that way. When she found out I was furry she even said "You never end to surprise me". And the only thing I thought was that she has no idea


Elli is gonna catch her! Hehehe


Do it! Do it!


Yes. Wearing a diaper (“her diapers,” to recall Manda’s words) to bed, maybe even using it during the night while she sleeps like the little baby she knows she is. With a slight risk of discovery. Sounds like just the thing that would push all of Star’s little buttons. She’s doesn’t seem ready to be open to Elly about this though, but experience up til now has shown time and again Star is a sort of “reluctant sub.” She likes to feel small and helpless and coerced but she needs an experienced, confident and firm, though not rough, hand to help her get there. It’s cute, actually. That’s my favorite overall quality about Star. As for Elly being cool about Star’s little kink yet not wanting to be honest about it (yet), I can kind of relate here. It took me several years to get the confidence to come out as gay to my closest family members and friends, even though I knew most of them were very accepting and supportive of LGBT people. The point being I understand what it’s like to be “different” even when knowingly surrounded by supportive friends/family. Good stuff here, as ever. Looking forward on tinder hooks.


Yeah, hiding that stuff in a shared household is difficult. Especially when you forget the "hiding" aspect. I've been doing it off and (but mostly) on for years fairly successfully. (My situation is living in a small place with 3-4 other people. It wasn't until very recently that I had a large quantity of things to hide, but for years I've had at least one package hidden somewhere.) The problem is not just hiding what you have, but also disposing of it discretely afterwards (at least for me, who doesn't often have private access to a trash bin). Also often your flatmates will ask you what's in that large box, as demonstrated in today's page. Good luck explaining the large bag, Star.


Just wear the damb diapers, Star...


Do it! Put that crinkly padding on. You know you wanna. Elli totally won't hear the loud crinkle sounds. Honest XD