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So its saturday....well..1am so yeah it is saturday I guess but shhh I should be in bed but instead I'll give you a found page.

Found will be updated on Saturdays and Thursdays just so you know

So this is the original https://www.furaffinity.net/view/6005071/  its weird how Gem changed colour.  That wasnt actual intentional What happened was as Found went on I was basically picking her colours using the paint dropper tool on GIMP and using it on previous pages so as the comic went on she slowly accidentally bleached into a like pinky/purple colour I didnt really notice till like page 30+  and when I did realise I decided to make a colour swatch and stick to the colours she had become....So Oops

Have page 4 




It's like a whole new story! Good job squiggy!


You have improved so much


I adore Gem’s new look!