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It occurred to me....that if im gonna finish this project any time soon  I need to post more than one a week or thats gonna be like...almost 8 years of pages.  No one wants to be hanging around that long.  So it'll be a 2 upload a week kinda deal.  So here's page 3

It have gamemaster and beachy's characters in it (you two can have a copy but do NOT NOT NOT post on FA or anywhere until it goes live on FA next week ok)  Theres also someone else in that pic you might recognise.  Which kinda maybe confirms that all my comics actually run in the same universe.

From tomoro which is the big reveal of Found being remastered on FA,  I'll be opening for cameo positions there.  I would suggest anyone wanting to appear in Found follow this FA account https://www.furaffinity.net/user/toddlergirl (if you dont already) as thats where ill be posting news about it from 2moro onwards.  Also theres a freebee sketch stream going on on my FA to celebrate 10 years being a furry so head on over and sign up if you havent already.

So anyway... heres page 3


which is actually pg 3 and 4 of the original combined as both of those had stupid canvas sizes that I couldnt do anything about



As you can see I've upgraded Gem's tech from the original version. :D



I wonder where saffy is going... Omg don't tell me all your comics takes place in the same babyverse? Pleasemmake iit true that would be so awesome


Saffys bag is super cute :3

Alex J Waddington

Was curious what the redraw of the alligators would be, but still amazing.