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Don't you just hate it when the main protagonist runs off without getting the full story resulting in tens of pages of her having the wrong idea...Well Martin is determined not to let that happen, he knows this comic has gone on long enough and cant be bothered with stringing out the explainantion for more than...oh...Say 3 pages.

Have a shine page  https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ca0l3lm06e5uh4/pg333.png?dl=0



3 PAGES?!!!....................... Well, I am curious what Martin has to say. Why do I get the feeling he's going to say something about someone that Star knows, but who's not in the ABDL community?


Or it is someone who Star knows AND is in the ABDL community but didn't know until then? THAT would be a twist!


Waiting for the next page is already difficult x) Don't make it harder ^^


What a cliffhanger


Poor baby 😢


Awww nice page


My guess is it's a deceased ex-wife he still feels strongly for. Would be a good reason why it's on a necklace and not his finger, and why there is some additional context needed. Granted this is based off the assumption that Star and Martin wind up together in the end. With everything else going on in the story a "Star steals someones boyfriend" sub-plot doesn't seem to be on the horizon.