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So.  LIke I'm frikkin awful at keeping my own secrets.  I've been working on an off on this little project and thought it's something I would share with people.

Some folk Know me because of Shine. My comic I've got going on here.  But Others know me because of my other comic Found. The rest of you I don't know how you know me but Hi.

Now.  Found is a mess.  When I first started drawing it 9 years ago I didnt know how to draw comics, so the canvas sizes were tiny and changed shape with every other page, the dpi was set to 72 and well...I've been asked by multiple people over the years if it'll ever get printed, and well truthfully in its current format thats kind of impossible.  Not to mention the comic is full of copywrited characters like pokemon, which if I want to ever publish, will kinda have to go...

September the 18th 2010 was when I joined Furaffinity and recognised that I was a furry and with that anniversary rapidly approaching thats when I'll be releasing this here on FA.  But Because you're patreons you can have this now....  And because Found can already be read in its entirity over on My FA I thought this version could be available to alll Patrons regardless of what tier they're on.  So shhh everyone okay dont tell people.



OH! And if you want a good laugh..Here's the original...




Ahhhhhhh I’m so excited, it’s the first comic of yours I read and it looks so good


Omg! I love Found! I’m so excited to see more! 💕


Wow looks amazing. It's easy to forget how much your art has changed since back then. Love it


One of the panels from Found actually gave me the courage to try bungee jumping for the first time... I have a notable fear of heights and it was scary but also exhilarating. And I don't think I would have done it if I hadn't read Found


You have definitely come a long way since 2010 and I'm so glad you are a fur and little.


That glow up tho 😍


This is a welcome surprise

samantha rebecca clarkson

I think the first one is better. As it shows you at the start of your adventures of the art world


I look forward to rereading this....exciting! Also congratz on 10 years!


Very pretty Sqiggy. Very proud of the progress you've made. Great job Kiddo! 👌👍

Sabrina Liney

Omg this looks amazing, your art has gotten so far since then. Love all your stories