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This is just standard conversation between me and my husband.  I love this sort of stuff it just makes me feel really snuggly and happy and it just makes my little side feel validated

Also even though this is sort of standard conversation between my husband/daddy and me i still end up looking like star in that final panel.  You'd think after 15 years of being together that effect would have worn off but if anything I blush more these days than I ever did in the beginning LOL

Anyway have a Shine page






can confirm uwu having your big order on your behalf is weirdly awesome. also i have the social skills of an unflipped pancake so its helpful




Fish and Chips. Never can go wrong with Fish and Chips.


That smile!


I'm so loving where it goes, they re so cute together


These are some wholesome pages


Martin is yummy 😊*loud purring*


I’m a bit jealous now, Star is so lucky to find someone that understands how we littles like to be treated 😳


I needed these smiles, thank you.


I can tell you had a ton of fun drawing this one! I gotta ask, please explain about Poppet!


Its an affectionate term, like hmmm like saying Cutie or Pumpkin or Cupcake or Kitten. So it's just another of those really :) But its actually the one my husband uses for me the most, that and "freaky little gnome" but i dont think Martin knows Star well enough to call her that LOL


How adorable


That’s awesome! Thankyou for explaining. I might just need to steal that for my little girl, who is likewise a complete gigglebutt when we go out.


As much as I want Star to re-dye her hair because of what it represents and means to her, I do want to say Star has looked quite lovely these last few pages with her natural hair color. Maybe it's because we've mostly see her in brash tomboy or mischievous baby girl modes, so this "mature young woman" Star stands out? Granted with the direction this flirting is going 'mature young woman' Star better not forget what she called Martin up for in the first place. I'm imagining a gag bad-end page with one panel seeing Star padded and drifting off to sleep in Martin's arms thinking "I feel like I forgot about something important" and then the next sitting in a playpen at work shaking a rattle with the thought bubble "Shit..."


That would be an awsome comedy page LOL but yeah that's not quite the plan I have in mind hahaha. But yeah her natural hair colour suits her which is good as its her natural hair colour so I would hope it would suit her


Awww this page is adorable! Love Star's blushy expressions too! After the drama of some of the previous pages, it's nice to see her buttons pressed in a more positive way.


I didn't see that coming but that was adorable on Star's part


I'm going to have to Google steak and ale pie


Unflipped pancake. That's just too funny, I'm going to have to remember that one. Loo


This is just freaking adorable. While I absolutely love how you tackle some serious subjects with this comic, pages like this are why I'm here.


Weird how your download link today ends in a laugh...got something planned for the next page? 😂