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what is your opinion of Teca? I ask because I know that A lot of people are fighting the urge to dislike her( or maybe just me XD ) because of her personality type. I understand that to keep star in check she needs more of a no nonsense caretaker so I understand the need for her I guess I'm more trying to figure out why she rubs me the wrong way. P.S. encase my little one reads this Tiffy if you ever use such langue I will be washing your mouth out with soap. Period no exceptions.


I know a lot of people dont like teca as a character but she hasnt really been developed in the comic yet. first impressions are kinda important and i think ive done teca a huge disservice introducing her the way I have done. shes actually a really nice person. She is no nonsence and pretty strict and heavy handed sometimes but shes also very sweet and understanding and fun. I feel bad that so many people seem to dislike her


I find the all the differences in dynamics interesting. e.g. the whole elbows/table comment... some people would be like "makes me feel so little" and all that'd do to me is put me into an aggressive mindset. "Excuse you?" Anyway, the character rubs me the wrong way as well. "Brat"/etc and hasn't even met Star at this point. "Sorry, but who the hell are you?" would be my reaction as well lol. But... that's ok :) Not all the characters have to be liked by everyone. (And that can change over time as well.)