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I can't believe we're already 14 pages into the new 100. (i cant count originally I thought we were on page 313 LOL dumb me)  Being furloughed really has helped with the art productivity and gonna be honest I'm kinda sorta dreading being unfurloughed.  That's probably not the right attitude to have huh.  

So I think Star's plan may work. even if she has talked herself into a corner...

Have a shine page.




You mean 314 right?


The suspense is killing me I’m desperate for star to get her justice.


yeah I literally just fixed that hahahah im such a dumbass sometimes thats my fault for just waking up (8am here) I should promise myself not to do anything important till at least midday LOL


Creepy fucker needs HIS butt whooped

Jalena (Little Legreedy)



At the same time I’m loving it as well 😅 kinda like a roller coaster I don’t wanna get off or something but I’m ready to see a diapered lynx kick butt or whatever blue there has coming


A spanking without consent, from someone you don’t like? 😤😠😤😠


Also heckkk no to this guy getting a spanking in. Kick his butt star! *cheers you on with pompoms*


*eye twitch* What kind of creepy pervert...


I've shuddered about four times now thinking about creeper. Definitely an extremely uneasy feeling around that guy. He's like an AB/DL pedo...


Well his character is based around my first RL ageplay daddy figure who sexually assaulted me whilst i was deep in little headspace...so...I think I'm nailing that creeper feeling pretty well hahaha


First of all, I am very sorry that happened to you. That is truly awful. Second, blackmail scares me. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do if someone used this against me. They'd pretty much own me at that point. 😨

Night Mist

I sure hope Sarge faces severe consequences for his actions.


o-o i mean, idunno about the UK military but in the US using your power to spank a female under you is a good way to get like, deleted from the world.


Yeah he's basically using his leverage to do what he wants he's being arrogant with it thinking theres no way she'd run to superiors and risk him outing her


Kinda hoping Star has a camera on herself to catch that bastard "sexually harassing" her. Nothing like some mutually assured destruction in order to keep both parties quiet.

Fisk Marellis

Oh you brave, little Lynx, you didn't think you could just barge into your superiors office making demands and not expect to get punished now did you? I don't think she quite thought it through, So The punishment fits in this case :) Don't worry everyone, he'll get his comeuppance soon enough


Star may be a bit brash, but she isn’t stupid. She wouldn’t do something like this, truly expecting him to keep his word. My thoughts is that she is doing this as a way to lead him into a trap he can’t escape from. Her friends are already on high alert, so it’s only a matter of time before someone witnesses her being treated horribly by him, or finally understanding what is going on.


It makes my skin crawl when he uses Big/little talk at her. As bad as this all would still be, it would be so much more palatable if he just - and that 'just 'is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this context - used the video to get her to shape up. It's so painful seeing something Star only recently got to experience in a happy and healthy light used this way against her.


Very well said. Also I think your 'just' is looking pretty tired. 😆


Best case scenario she has her phone on record tucked inside the hat on the desk and she bites the bullet for his trade. Humiliating and abusive yes but she’d have her own evidence to use against him at that point. Again highly unlikely but I’m hoping that’s what she meant telling Yuri you have to lose a battle to win a war🤞🤞


He just can’t give her a break huh >_<


A lot of folks in the US military are mad (rightfully so) right now about this kind of thing


You are not a dummy, we all think like that too much.