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Thanks everyone for coming to watch the stream yesterday, probably my most ambitious project ever *collapses*




Nice. At least there's always next month.


Great job :) agree with Evan there always next month to be in one lol even though I was in the halloween one :). But I love the wall of comics and I love gem is tearing apart shine!!! I can't believe how long you worked on this though! Go take a long long nap. And Merry Christmas... it tIke to say that right? Yeah I think so


It was fun watching that develop, especially when you got to filling in the comic rack in the background. Thanks lots!


I love how you gave my hair a slight red tinge. That never even crossed my mind and it looks great! Oh, and I'll show up to that Doctor Who party if there are no Daleks. I don't want to be EX-TER-MI-NA-TED...


Oh, and I also love how you know me well enough to give me a kimono <3


Yaayy, I got to play a small part in the scene c:


I wasn't able to jump in till near the end, but it was a ton of fun watching you. Thanks again for including me :)