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Maaaan I cried sooo much drawing this one.  It's just really too personal.  I guess maybe a content warning might be required, this page is a bit abusive depending on how you feel I guess.

I am, and always will be a daddy's girl.  My real father did a lot of messed up stuff some on purpose, other times not so much.  Part of me hopes what he did to me was his way of trying to parent me, to make me a better person.  It wasnt so much the spankings, more the mental abuse I suffered..though I dont think im strong enough to tackle some of that stuff, even in comic form so I'll spare you some of those grissly details....  So the top four things in this page are things that really happened to me.  Well...they always said the key to a sucessful publication is to write what you know about.  Right?

Oh... the page!




Wow.... seriously, FUCK Star's father. Anyone who is THAT much of an asshole is lucky someone didn't cave his head in.


I have never wanted to hug someone more. Star needs like some immediate baby time.

None ya

Is it bad that I am currently considering murdering someone I never contemplated the existence of before today?


Maybe if I'd been bigger I might have fought back. I did once when I was about 14. He was trying to walk out on my mum and i baracaded the door to force him to talk to her rather than leave...maybe i should have let him walk....


Tough love never worked for anyone in my opinion. I feel your pain and struggles. *Puts paci in your mouth and gives a BIG hug* There, there little one, your safe now.


And I thought I suffered from emotional trauma. Still I know what it's like to both hate and love ones father. It's never easy even after you have grown up. *holds out arms* Hug?


And here I wasn't sure exactly why I related to Star so much. It makes a bit more sense now. Thanks for making stuff like this, even when it's hard. Your story, even if it's fictional, got me to accept myself for who I am. Not just for what my family wants.


Oh god. Thats so sad D: im so sorry. And that second last panel. Could it be that her Brother outed himself? And his Dad didn't like that. I heard thats a big problem in some familys


... Yep, I was right. I wanna do something horrible to her father now.


Hits very close to home, very sorry you had to put up with that.


I rarely talk because my rage is so extreme that I would get banned eventually from here. But yes I can relate which is why I completely disowned my own biological family without regret. I'm just sad that it was genuinely necessary in order to avoid going to a state mental health asylum.


I'm sorry I'm not sorry... serve and protect, and thank you for your service. Love is Love, as long is it's all good in the neighborhood.