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Nope...You're not dreaming.  That is indeed two pages today.  I just wanted to make up for the fact I didnt post one last friday, so now we're back to being on even ground.

So like heres page 284.  I'm hoping that by now it's obvious that theres some family disfunction and tension going on.   ...This is one of those pages where it sorta reflects my real life.  Im the eldest child and so it was down to me to have the babies first.  That didnt really work out for my parents plan, but the pressure was always there, it was always a topic of conversation and just...yeah stress and dread its less these days ....Star's got other stuff going on too but that'll become more obvious....Next page will be on Tuesday.




Yay for dysfunctional families lmao


Yikes! I am guessing the "whole family" part is related to a rather traumatic event.


oof, parents bitching about your relationship status, that's the quickest way to ruin any get together.