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So... Almost met the full compliment of current family members.  With Star being the youngest or four her dad was around 28ish when Star came into the world so here he is in his early 50's.  Still thinking he's in his prime.  

Also....Thank you to anyone who nominated Shine for an Ursa Major award.  Shine has made it to the final vote, which is decided by you the public and fans.  So if you nominated me, then you already have a key (you needed it to nominate, but if you didnt nominate you can still actually get a key)   Then maybe go here https://ursamajorawards.org/voting2019/  and vote for Shine to actually win?  It would be soooo cool (albeit unlikely considering the competition Shine is up against)  But gosh to actually win would be beyond my dreams!

Oh!  You need the actual shine page link too....hang on...




Cant wait to see more