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(I uploaded this earlier but for some reason had the pic as an attatchment to the text rather that a preview so thats why im doing this again....txt copied and pasted from previous attempt. I..couldnt help it...I NEEEDED To colour that particular panel....SQUEEEEEEEE I need a duckie to ride on now...anyway as with the last page lets put in some alternative captions...If anyone has any better ones lets share okay? anyway heres my attempt.... BLOODY HELL!!! WHERE DID ALL THIS CRAP COME FROM? I've no idea, but I can sell it all on ebay if you want. NOOOO NOT EBAY!! I mean Take this cruddy duck toy...I reckon I could get you a couple of dollars...which is about one quid in british money. Also look at my memory. I reminisce in technicolor dontcha know. HA beat that bitches Are you jealous of my amazing colour flashbacks ...yeah...Course you are.




Heh! It worked that time. ;)