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its thursday so im delivering a song. was working on this song and was thinking it might sound cool with echos... I think it sounds fancy but then it seems really out of place next to all my other songs that just have extremely plain clean vocals... it sounds too uppity to have a reverb on my voice?? or is it??

could u walk with no footsteps in the snow?
could u know what only God could know?
could yr beauty start a new religion?
do u cast gold coins down from Heaven?

i dont even wanna go home
i dont care no more
i just wanna float
lay down on the kitchen floor
been by myself for 1000 years
been around the world
don't want any of it

been by myself for 1000 years
cryin all day, stealin someone elses tears

cast a shadow so long
that it circles round the earth and buries my soul
it wanted something
it cant make itself
it takes away

i know its not going to get easier now
i know we have choice but to keep going down
all the way down

down down down



jaime brooks

at first i heard the lyric as "cast a shadow so long that it circles round the earth and embarrassed myself"