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Heya guys o/

I've just come back home from spending the last 5 days in the hospital. I came down with a really bad intestinal infection that ended up with me in the ambulance and recovering at the hospital, it was not fun D:

At least I had ff7 to keep my attention away from the pain, and now, almost having beaten the game, can say that Tifa best girl! I do want to draw her at some point.

Now that I'm back home, the next couple of days I want to start working again, but I definitely won't be at full speed right away. I'm going to be posting the newest poll later today, and trying to get the comic page done by tomorrow, after that I want to finish up the Nia poll illustration next week and will be focusing this month mostly on just catching up on work to get back on a good track!

I want to say sorry for the fuck up of my usual schedule and work output and also thank you all for the continued support. I really do appreciate that I'm able to do this as a living thanks to you guys <3


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