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Heya guys o/

I've heard a lot of feedback about how having to use a mega.nz link can be annoying and at times even lost due to the patreon message system being utter trash, as well as hard to find the exact art that you want within the mega.nz archive. 

Well, let me introduce you to the NEW art archive! As I've teased a few times here and there, this was the secret project I was working on for the last few weeks! A website that will act as the place for patrons to my campaign to find and download any art I make available! The visuals are currently placeholder as I'm working on making the site look good but most of the starting functionality is in! I will also add more functionality as time goes on!

You'll be able to login with your patreon account to view and download art from the art archive! (Gif shows me still seeing stuff with no pledge for testing purposes, you WILL need to be pledged at least at the £3 tier to view and download art)

You'll be able to browse the art archive based on categories which detail the type of art in each post (titled rewards), for example by sketches or illustrations or animations (text in gif is placeholder), as well as show how many posts are available in each of those categories. Each post will be tagged as well with more specific content, e.g. the character(s), the series they originate from, the fetishes/kinks in the art. You'll also be able to search the posts through the search bar on the left!

Each post will show a gallery of what art is tied to the post, as well as a little description for it, just like when you'd see a post on an art site like newgrounds or furaffinity.

You'll also be able to download all the art & other files available in a post as a named zip! And of course within the zip it'll be stored as a folder, cause I'm not a savage!

If you'd rather, it is also possible to download multiple posts at the same time! Just check each of the ones you'd like and it'll once again save it as a zip, with each post's files sorted within their folders (if there is more than one post) or at the root folder! 

There are currently limitations on how big each zip you download can be, this depends on your browser, e.g. Google Chrome limits it at 2GB. If you end up selecting too many, the site will notify you of it and tell you to select less! I'll try to create a better solution in the future to alllow you guys to download even more files at once but that is a decent amount more complicated and thus will take me longer to roll out. 

The core functionality of the new Art Archive has been implemented and is currently being tested with a few people, after it has been tested all I'm missing is the stylisation of the website to make it look good as well as having to migrate the current art archive to the new site! I'm currently planning to roll out the site in full by mid to late June! I hope you guys will enjoy the quality of life improvements that this will bring, I put a lot of effort into this!! Until then, links for the current art archive will keep being sent out.

Also, even after being rolled out, the current TC comic will still be sent out as a mega.nz link for the meantime, as the section of the site for comics is still underway! I'll reveal more info on that when possible! 

Okay, about those new patreon goal and perk!

First off, I'd like to talk about the new patreon perk being rolled out for those on the £10 Ultra Cookie tier! As we are currently getting closer and closer to finishing TC:Moving In, it is about time we start thinking about the next comic! Ultra cookie backers will gain access to an exclusive discord channel where we will discuss, pitch and vote up on ideas that will help me create comics that you guys want to see! So please do make sure to join in on the discord if you have not yet!! (Warning that these comics are limited to my characters and not fanart)

Finally, the new patreon goal! We're getting close to reaching the £300 goal to start doing two polls a month instead of just one a month! The next goal is a big one but if reached it will allow me to focus more and more on content for the patreon that you guys would like to see instead of having to work on commissions and other stuff to earn money!

The next goal is at £800 and would cover a big part of my expenses and income! When we reach this goal, I will start releasing a comic page TWICE a week! One during the middle of the week and one at the end of it! This will help getting comics out twice as fast (duh) and we'll be able to explore more ideas faster!

On a final note,

Thank you everyone for supporting me so much, you guys have been great and kind to me, telling me to rest whenever I've overworked myself and being open to new ideas and experimentation. You guys make it feel like all the effort I've put and will keep putting into content is more than worth it! Thank you!


