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Heya guys, Toni here o/

As I've said on discord, been having some hand pains for the last few days due to my arthritis flaring up, so had to take off the last few days to let my right hand rest, which in turn has delayed the schedule a bit.

I should be starting art up again tomorrow if all goes well, but if not then I will update you guys on it! The new YCH auction was meant to go up today but that's been delayed to probably thursday, and I will start working on the poll winner as soon as my hand feels alright!

Thankfully, I've still been able to program and work on Tactics Café, since it's not heavy on my hand! Work on the Tonimation system is coming along well, which is my own made-from-scratch animation system for the game! I had to scrap the previous timeline implementation due to some issues with it that I will go into detail in the next devlog! Here is a lil sneak peek of animation speeds working at runtime:

Hopefully I'll just be able to start working on art again starting tomorrow, but if not I will make sure to keep you guys up-to-date! Best way would be to join the official discord server

I also wanted to mention that once we hit the £300 goal, I will put up a new goal! I will go into detail for what that is once we do hit the current one~

Thank you all for the support so far and sticking around! I really appreciate you all <3


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