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I failed to finish a svsss drawing for this month but I've been working on this fic for halloween which I think some of your guys might like, since I got some requests for more demon!LBH >:) 

You can find the first chapter of the fic here.


You guys get a sneak peak preview at the draft for the next one down here, enjoy!


According to Shen Qingqiu’s words a demon of Luo Binghe’s caliber wouldn’t normally take kindly to the binding of a summon and would try to break free of it through any means possible, preferably in a way that involves a fiery and painful vengeance on the mage who called them. Instead, contrary to all the cautionary tales Shen Qingqiu has filled his willing ears with, Luo Binghe proves surprisingly helpful.

“The mages’ courts are the first place to look for,” Luo Binghe suggests. “If anyone in there bears the residual mark of his magic I’ll be able to detect it.”

Liu Qingge’s plan involved a series of potentially diplomatically disastrous rampages inside several mages’ houses and holds in hopes they would eventually break in the right one and save Shen Qingqiu. So they go with Luo Binghe’s plan.

A visit to a mage’s court involves lots of dining and drinking and conversing and outrageous displays from the host of the court, usually in some tedious form of magical entertainment. And, occasionally, duels start. Liu Qingge isn’t a regular visitor - but duels are a regular occurrence when he is. He resolves to behave for the sake of the plan.

No newcomer goes unnoticed amongst the courts of mages and sorcerers, and a demon walking around in broad daylight, no matter how powerful and how perfect its embodiment, would hardly escape notice at a summoner’s side, not to mention it would be taken as a declaration of war. Thankfully, Liu Qingge is famously not that kind of mage and Luo Binghe’s faint, mysterious accent plays in the favor of an exotic cover-up story. They’re lucky enough to avoid suspicion, not equally so in avoiding attention. Luo Binghe proves to be… debilitatingly charming.

Liu Qingge ends up sulking on the sidelines, shooting daggers at his regrettable companion, who is seemingly more intent on getting fawned over by hoards of young sorcerers and sorceresses than on the mission Liu Qingge has bound him with. Annoyed, he resolves to take a look around by himself. At least Luo Binghe’s presence is complicit in taking eyes off of him, so he slinks away, deep into the court, looking for any kind of evidence that would incriminate or exonerate the host.

It isn’t long before something large and solid slams him into a wall.

“What are you-!”

“I found it,” Luo Binghe says, firm and disconcertingly hot body pressing against Liu Qingge’s. “I found the trace.”

Lu Qingge’s ears prick up. “What are you doing in here then, follow it!”

“I can’t.”

“What do you mean you can’t? Isn’t this what I summoned you to do?” Liu Qingge hisses, irately.

“I need it,” Luo Binghe says, low in his throat. Only then Liu Qingge notices the hardness pressed against his leg.

The meaning of the demon’s words hits Liu Qingge like a brick.  “W-wait- here? Now?”

“I won’t be able to hold my form without it,” Luo Binghe all but purrs, grinding his rock-hard cock against his summoner’s front. “Let me have you,” he exhales into Liu Qingge’s neck, hands already busy undoing his robes.

Liu Qingge’s head spins. Luo Binghe hasn’t bitten or scratched him yet, and yet he feels so…

Luo Binghe puts his palm on the wall and Liu Qingge feels the warmth of the summoning circle glowing against his back. A strong hand presses one of his legs up against his chest. Liu Qingge lets him.


Luo Binghe tracks Shen Qingqiu’s residual trace into the city until it vanishes abruptly. They resolve to go back to the court and wait for the captor to show his face again. Now that the demon knows his scent, it will be able to put a name and a face to their prey.

The search continues.


The problem with Liu Qingge not being a Summoner like Shen Qingqiu is that he cannot trust himself with reproducing the same complex summoning circle at a moment’s notice whenever he needs Luo Binghe to intervene.

The problem with Luo Binghe being a demon of the highest caliber is that he requires a lot of mana to maintain his embodiment in the physical world and extend his contract.

The problem with the frequency with which Luo Binghe demands his time and body is… people begin to notice.

The problem with people noticing is that it won’t necessarily result in their unmasking.

“I had heard master Liu had found himself a magnificent lover but I couldn’t have imagined it to be true without seeing it with my own two eyes,” one of the members of the Zui Xian conve brazenly tells him.

“I never thought I’d see the day master Liu would take a lover but I can’t say I find it so odd now,” a Ku Xing coven member joins in with a wink frankly unbecoming of the precepts of his order.

“Where did you find such a handsome man?”

“Master Liu is so lucky, his lover only has eyes for him!”

Liu Qingge endures the indignity sparing his words by hiding his face into a cup of wine. The endless line of sorcerers and sorceresses crowding him does all the talking for him, making wild assumptions about his romantic life that Liu Qingge’s blushing silence conveniently corroborates. Luo Binghe is enthusiastically complicit in the misunderstanding without having to be told.

“Come, love, I wish to enjoy your company in private now,” the demon murmurs in his ear, clearly enough for the whole crowd to understand him. A warm, possessive arm around Liu Qingge’s side surely leads him away from the unwanted company and plunges him further into indignity.

It’s all for Shen Qingqiu’s sake, Liu Qingge keeps telling himself, as the demon leads him in a secluded chamber. Once it’ll all be over and Luo Binghe won’t be around anymore he’ll justify his sudden absence by telling everyone he killed him. It’d be a reasonable price to pay for his insolence.


Liu Qingge pants out, lip bitten bloody to hold back his moans as savage pleasure wrings his guts. Luo Binghe looks at his like a vulture, face mere inches from his own, raptly watching Liu Qingge’s expression as he ruthlessly fucks him open.

“You look good like this, squeezing down on my cock,” he purrs and fucks harder into him.

His horns are out. Liu Qingge has no choice but to hold onto them for dear life as the demon rocks his body into the bed, listening to his shameless moans. It’s been like this every single night since he’s summoned him. He needs to find Shen Qingqiu and fast, or else he fears his body won’t last much longer.

Something warm and wet licks at the corner of his lips. Liu Qingge turns his face away, but Luo Binghe’s hand grasps him at the hinge of his jaw.

“Don’t,” Luo Binghe breathes out, arousal dripping from his voice. “It’ll make it feel so good.”

Liu Qingge doesn’t know if it means for himself or the demon. His cock twitches painfully against his stomach, balls drawing tighter against his body. He’s close, so close already - it’s too soon. With a desperate whimper he gives in and lets Luo Binghe kiss his demonic tongue into his gasping mouth.

Liu Qingge comes when it licks down his throat.


Finally the captor shows up at one of the courts again. Luo Binghe points it to him through the crowd in an unnecessarily flirtatious manner.

“It’s the one over there in dark green, with the elaborate robes,” Luo Binghe whispers in his ear, pretending to turn his face to the side to suck on his neck. “Do you know him?”

Unfortunately, Liu Qingge does. It’s one of the heads of a rival coven, it makes sense for someone like him to target Cang Qiong. It’s a powerful enemy to tackle. Judging from his showy paraphernalia, undoubtedly laced with protective spells of all sorts, he is also a Summoner.

“He’s strong,” Luo Binghe says; Liu Qingge thinks he detects a hint of a growl in his voice. “And I’m low on mana. How do you want me to proceed?”

Luo Binghe’s hand is rubbing at his side. Liu Qingge feels his face heat up. He refuses to let the demon have him right there and then, not when Shen Qingqiu’s captor is within reach. He might be a Summoner but Liu Qingge can still bodily punch the truth out of him.

“Don’t eat him before he spits out the truth,” Liu Qingge orders and frees himself from Luo Binghe’s hold and resolutely makes his way across the hall. He’s almost there, about to descend on the man when a firm hand takes hold of his wrist.

“What are you-,” Liu Qingge stops in his tracks.

“Liu-shidi, don’t,” Yue Qingyuan says, holding him back. “It’s not the time.”

“You don’t understand, they took-”

“I know what you’re trying to do,” Yue Qingyuan interrupts him abruptly, voice low, “but this will cause a diplomatic accident. You can’t make public accusations without proof.”

Liu Qingge holds his gaze, throat working in a swallow. The sorry look in Yue Qingyuan’s face tells him he’s been found out.

“It’s already a diplomatic accident,” Liu Qingge retorts, defiantly. “They took him.”

“We have no way of knowing if it was the sect as a whole or just a personal offense. If you attack him now in the open it will be considered a declaration of war on the whole coven.”

Liu Qingge flares with indignation but stands down, he can’t disobey his sect leader’s orders.

Luo Binghe, however, isn’t bound by such obligations. When Liu Qingge looks over, he sees the demon right next to their man, amiably chatting up some of his companions. The captor has turned his attention to him. It’s his chance.

“Hey,” Liu Qingge shouts out, before Yue Qingyuan can stop him, pointing a finger towards the mage, fighting down the blush already threatening to color his face. “That’s my man you’re looking at!”

Luo Binghe turns to him, eyes wide. Liu Qingge keeps his gaze steady on target, suppressing the urge to cringe at himself. The mage is looking at him with an insufferable expression on his face.

“I want a duel,” Liu Qingge proclaims, not for the first time, in the middle of the court. It’s nothing new of him to storm in to demand one.

“Liu-shidi…” Yue Qingqiu sighs next to him, but lets go of his hand.

So, Liu Qingge gets a duel.


To be continued 



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