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Tummies & Tiddies(tm) edition

A little announcement! 

As I'm currently losing my sleep, sanity and eyesight over my final written assesments to get my degree (yes, that is still happening during a global pandemic apprently) and deadlines are f*cking tight, I think won't be drawing for a while. But no worries, you shall not remain without content! I've managed to queue-up some drawings I've done in the past weeks and never posted in case something like this happened (eheh). I'm posting these old sketches in the meantime. 

I promise, as soon as I'm done with this major life accomplishment I've been working towards pretty much my entire life (yes, 90% of my identity revolves around my status as student... I'm about to hit a major life crisis lmaoo), I will be back with even more smutty smutty content for you lovelies. 




good luck on your final assesments! I'm also in the process of finishing my degree and it's a PAIN but it's almost over, we're almost FREE


Good luck to you too, fellow sufferer! I shall see you on the other side of p a i n