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Upon choosing your quest, that night you went to bed as your mind buzzed with all the crazy thoughts and ideas of your adventure ahead of you. This would be your first time going solo so needless to say you're very excited!

Day breaks and after waking earlier than usual, you step outside and breath in the fresh morning air. The town is bustling and your heart is beating hard and proud, today is definitely going to be a great day, you can feel it! With your staff in hand, and knowledge in mind, you set off to the west to find out what happened with that quiet mining town. . .

. . .

After entering the crumbling opening of the hidden town named El-Vee Forsuthix, you shockingly discover that the whole place is built IN the mountain. With a tavern, an apothecary, some smaller buildings and way in the back what appears to be the Town Hall, you walk the deserted cavern streets with growing unease as your heel clicks echo throughout your unorthodox environment.

Choosing the Town Hall as the best place to start your investigation, you think you might be able to glean some information as to what happened here. With your staff held at the ready you carefully draw nearer to the empty structure when, to your surprise, you find the remnants of what appears to be a ritual of some kind.

To your left is an open book, a dagger embedded beside it in a hay bale crudely used as a table, and to your right is the Town Hall. Before you inspect the book, a small burst of activity can be heard from within the building. You stand. Ready to investigate but, wait.

The book might contain some vital information. . .

What do you do?



Hermaeus Mora-esque book perhaps? If any of you get my reference


"El-Vee Forsuthix" AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! 😆😆👉👉👉


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