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Hey guys, got a new batch of girls to play with since. . .I really don't feel like using the same bases for other anims, for a while at least. But since I'm here I have a question for you guys.

Ya'll have a preference on which girl for the next short (10-20 second) anim?

Anywho, so going forward I'm in a bit of a bind. There aren't many monsters available for Blender, which means I have to port them over from SFM or make them myself.

So! Since you guys are basically my bosses, I wanted to know what theme of an animation you would want next.

Scifi or Fantasy?


Bud Chudley

If I had a preference for girls, the 4th one (the one on the right with the purple stripe in her hair) is first preference, followed by 2, 1, 3.


1, 3, 2, 4 is my preference starting from the left. I personally like them smaller.


Scifi! Facehugger rape!!


Gotta say I like 2. Sci fi is where it's at, for me. I prefer aliens to typical fantasy monsters!


Agreed. Fantasy monsters tend to be just ugly humanoids, warped and diseased. Aliens are weird and fun!


I like the blue hair and purple hair girls

Christian Johnston

I personally dont like huge breasts or really big hips and ass, so as far as my taste and choices goes I like 1st and 3rd girl (from left to right).


Presonaly i perfer 4th girl. Pitty there is no "both" in the poll.


girl on the far right.


far left


More facehuggers please <3