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Anim preview

Hey guys, much bigger update than before! Sorry it seems like things are taking a lot longer than expected. Which, if I'm honest, is because they are. But, this is because unlike in SFM where I had to kinda just bash things together and run with it, making things look like high quality GMOD videos, In blender I can actually make things. So that's pretty much what I've been doing.

As you can see there are a lot more xenomorph types now, to include a /returning character from bughunt/ who is it? Who knows, who knows.

Thankfully there are no more models that need to be made, so what this means is the actual animation part can commence and shouldn't take too long to make the sex scenes.

A quick, disjointed aside, part of why this is taking so long too is I hit a bit of a writers block on just, how to go about doing it. But now thats taken care of.

Which leads me to my next point, I'm going to be making a timeline for yall so instead of having to post things and ruin surprises, and or leave yall totally in the dark like SOME game developers *cough cough lunarsoftware/scorn cough cough* You all can pop in on it and see what part of the project is completed and how much of a percent is left.

Other than that, nothing else to report on other than my computer kinda freaking out for some reason, it took me all day to get the screenshots and render that anim you see up there, so, yeah going to be doing a lot of diagnostics.

See you guys on the next update!




That third picture - I love her already.


make more cumshot~~


I absolutely love how they all look excited about what’s happening~ Honestly if I was them I probably would too buuuuuuuut~ 💁🏼‍♀️


That is one thicc-ass Xeno queen 👌


Don't worry about your writer's block, take a shower then work on other things and you might suddenly get the idea you needed.


Great work so far!