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I'm sorry for the delay. I'm currently dealing with the loss of a friend.

A new model is in the works, and i'll be using her for a future animation.

Thank you for your patience while I gather my thoughts.


Jackson Grantham

Sorry to hear that, take all the time you need

The O.S.T Master

I hope you’re able to recover from such a devastating event, I’m sorry for your loss :(


Your mental, physical, and emotional well-being should always come first. I'm sorry for your loss.


You come first. Take as much time as you need. I'm sorry for your loss.

Sallem 58

Do not apologize for grieving, you are allowed to be human to experience this pain and recover so do not rush yourself I am so sorry for your loss, no words can make it better so make sure you talk with those you know, it is better to talk of what you miss than to bottle up. Sending hugs


Dont sweet it my guy, ive been dealing with something like that for years and can confidently say that theres no need to say sorry and that you ahould focus on yourself rather then people


Maaane, you’re the one drawing inflation porn for us. Don’t feel obligated for anything lol


Very sorry for your loss, and if you need to take a knee and take a break for a sec do it. I know how hard it is losing someone that close. Take your time and just finish it when you are ready too.

Katt Moons

Take the time you need time to grieve. Im sorry for your loss.

Earth Machine Enthusiast

I lost a friend of mine that I served with years ago and it still hits me on the rare occasion. You never grow out of grief, you just learn how to manage it better. Breathe, take time to grieve and cry. I promise, you'll feel much better afterwards. Not perfect, but certainly better.