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At my newish job I am supposedly a helper. Unfortunately I proved my competence in 2 short months, so instead of keeping me on the backbenches during this season's contract renewal period they put me in with the more veteran techs, and then gave me the work someone who is paid more than me, couldn’t finish, for me to finish. This tied me up completely for two weeks and so this month we didn’t get a mid monthly update and I feel a lot of momentum has been lost between this workload (which is done now), and the sickness that floored me last month. ONTO THE UPDATE:

So the mid-month update didn’t get done in TIME for the mid month, BUT THE CONTENT STILL GOT DONE, I just couldn’t bring myself to release it a week before the March update so I polished it more and its coming out now:


I said I was making new animations that allowed me to draw in mirror mode, and the first of the two I am planning is done. It is doggy style, but FACING the camera. But where are the monsters to use this new animation? Well...:

MAMAMOLE is a ROCK TYPE, and she joins the cast of monsters! This big bitch took longer than expected because I wanted to get her animation, the first of a new type, correct. She's fat and wide, how I like em, and a nice contrast to the WIND type monsters I am sketching up this month who are both turning out to be slender. You can find her in the cave.

KIHIKIHI has won the monthly  poll, she and her adorable unevolved form Minikihi are now a threat that exists along the rivers of the Gaian crater.

I have totally overhauled every single random encounter. Most of the improvements are going to be felt by me, since the coding organization of encounters is now way more readable. Going forward this will allow me to expand the encounter library easily. Now in encounters, you sometimes get to pick one of up to THREE monsters to recruit at the end of each fight, making the harder fights more worthwhile. There are more encounters now, the monsters are somewhat more spread out across the zones, and the encounters feel less janky (from an organizational perspective). Every monster has THEIR specific monster recruit encounter which includes two unevolved and two evolved monsters. There’s several EASY encounters early on in Rosedew meadow since it’s a starting area. Then there are more proper thematic fights, like the ‘aithonsMares’ encounter where you fight an Aithon, his Druidia, his Megamoo and their three offspring and then pick from the three offspring at the end of the fight. Or the Dog Pack fight where a male Cerberus, two Warwolves and their pups fight your party. All of this flows and looks much cleaner on my end, and will make continuing to expand the encounters easier. Not the kind of CONTENT that drives interest, but an important piece of housekeeping I had to get done.

Discord is up for 10$ tiers. I am new at MANAGING a discord server so I expect there to be problems.

This month's patron vote is for the third ROCK type monster. Will it be a golem gal or a rogue Scout-tech robot? The golem girl is actually made up of the three rock pallets I use to represent rocks across the crater, a fact I think makes her more interesting. The eyes she has are also a reference to the monster she’s descended from. Cyborg chicks with giant disembodied gauntlets are a vibe. The drone-bot meanwhile is something I wanted to hold off on introducing, a SYNTHETIC monster that has sinister implications (before the story reveal). SYNTH was actually going to be a TYPE at one point and may still become one, for balance, at which point electric and rock monsters might lose some of the roster I have planned for them. We’ll see.

This month is all going to be about reclaiming the momentum I feel I had when I kicked the prototype out the door to gauge interest. Also ignore the “Your monsters are restless because you didn’t camp.” message, Your loyal monsters cant get hungry, disobedient and jump you... Yet. 


Norma’s pregnant sprite shows correctly (her normal sprite appeared) when she suffers an impreg loss. 

Norma can now be selected when you lose a scout that isn’t her, there was a bug where you could only play as her if you STARTED as her.

UNFIXED: Save system is semi-working right now, this probably became noticeable when the number of unlocks went from 6 simple unlocks to MANY complicated unlocks. Will be working on this.


PLAINS AREA FLESHED OUT. I am not releasing it RIGHT now, because I am not happy with it. Will at the end of the week though (8th). But all the art work for it got done this month already.

Cindrak and ROsaria’s X anim (STILL eluded completion, omg, this month I swear and I can stop thinking about it and every monster will have x anims on release going forward)

Gameplay - CAMPING v1

Gameplay - QUESTING v1



Hey, I found a bug, it doesn't completely ruin the game (I think) and I don't know if it needs to be done in that exact order but here it is: If you lose the battle while having intercourse, in the stable you will acquire the monster when select another character. If you put the character who lost the battle to have sex and during the animation on the stable you put the stalion in the party and then return it to the stable, during a battle it is still possible to select him to fight, even without appearing in the party or occupying the space in the management menu. Sorry for the shitty English, I had to use the translator due to the size of the message and some words I don't know, and if I find any other bug I'll report it in the Patreon chat, while I can't pay for access to discord for a more direct conversation. edit: yes it is gamebreaking because you lose that space in the party forever, and it doesn't need to be in that exact same order. If you just lose because you got pregnant it also happens. I don't know if it matters to put the monster in the party and returning it to the stable during the sex animation. image of the bug: ---https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/699770551077568557/1213902647128625202/image.png?ex=65f729f0&is=65e4b4f0&hm=4dc7a653a0cc4180387a574908e31fc439e97f0a782dfe0c44e7fba89e7cd4c2& --- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/699770551077568557/1213904368924098580/image.png?ex=65f72b8a&is=65e4b68a&hm=1175724c4fd82a5297030a4165956d3d501ddb536fae4b34693470558467ad8d&


Are you looking for editional devs? If so, lets get into contact