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Merry Christmas everyone!

First, a quick recap:

November was the month that Eggomon launched. The following was added

  • Rejiggered Camera, tightened and streamlined, smoothing
  • Second pass over Rosedew Meadow (Doubled the number of doddad assets, mostly recolors)
  • When looting an evolution stone the info-pop tells you what type it is
  • Detailed Monster info panel
  • Game breaking Bugfixes (it was a launch)

The blonde has won the scout poll, meaning Aqua’s look will be that of a blonde in a swimsuit! 

The sheep has won the monthly monster poll, it will become the 21’st and 22nd monster in the game!

Now onwards to the current month of December!

Both the new scout Aqua, AND the new sheep monster are now IN THE GAME. ALREADY. Ya I cheated and finished most of the preliminary work days ago when it became clear they would be the winners. 

New Patreon Poll is up! This time between a Fire Cerberus Dog and a Fire Salamander.

New SCOUT POLL as promised, this time voting on the appearance of the fire / red scout named “Cinder”.

Updated user promise. On reflection I am advertising Eggomon on several “free-spirited” share sites, so I will just promise to keep the latest completed version of Eggomon free, forever. Patrons will continue to vote on monsters and general content to be added to the game. The best thing you can do to support the game is to sign up to the Patreon, and the close second this is to TELL PEOPLE in any NSFW channels you lurk in about the game. I mean, a link to support the game is IN the game, so the strategy here is just to ensure that as many people know about EGGOMON as possible. Very open to suggestions on where I should advertise.

Another Scout has been added to the game: Aqua, the water / blue scout.

Now instead of just starting the game, the player will pick either Leaf or Aqua to begin with. The player will also select a starting location in the future, the only one available for the foreseeable future is Rosedew Meadow. When the player loses a scout the game will continue! Choose another scout and restart from the starting location with all your monsters present (likely to be changed in future)!  

Forthcoming in December: This month the first version of the stables will be finished up, a simple day/night system will be added to the game, the achievements list screen will be added, and the next level of the game, the bright forest, will be made ready to play, but will receive a second pass in January!

Subscribestar is coming for those who prefer it, it’s taking time to get that account verified.



oops, I was testing the new version to see if I could find that old bug, and well I ended up not finding it, but on the other hand I found another one, the bug is the following after death if you are in the sex scene during a battle and die, the sfx they keep looping, and when I went to another scout, the game was slightly frozen, but entering the house and leaving "solved" it, if I happen to find another problem I'll let you know. good job btw


Thanks Capta, I think the moan should be stopped now. What do you mean the game was slightly frozen? I'm hearing this in multiple places but everyone is a bit vague. When a new scout is selected the game does chug a bit.


The game looks good so far. Nice animations and images. The combat including the scout is an interesting addition to this type of game and I'm excited to fight against other humans. Looking forward to more.


Other humans are a while away sadly, but it will be pretty cash IMO. They won't stand in place, but wander about and even chase after you to initiate a battle. Also I haven't fully decided how to balance the scout, her current grapple-into neutralizing one enemy at a time might be too OP. Or maybe not, given that later the game can have an enemy party as large as I want.