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Q: What else (that wasn’t mentioned in the PITCH) is going to be added as development continues?

A: 50 + areas. Monsters, possibly forever. Custom sound effects. Music. There will be 11 Scouts as player characters. Loads more achievements and Unlocks to help you advance further in runs. A KEYWORDS system that will encourage party diversity even more than the Elemental damage system. Opposing trainers. Rival characters. Day/Night cycle with a whole CAMP OVERNIGHT mechanic where monsters get hungry, you feed them and their obedience increases or lowers and they might try and breed the scout if they become disobedient. Once the breeding mechanic [STABLES] is set up, defeated scouts, and defeated enemy humans, will be added to a monster stable you will run. The story. Legendary Monsters, boss battles. Endings. I would love to have as many assets professionally remade as possible, so your contribution goes towards that.

Q: Why no levelling up mechanic?

A: Levelling up is a time consuming mechanic that simply makes NUMBER GO UP while making current and previous areas of a game world much easier. People play NSFW games for the CONTENT, and when people boot up a game AGAIN after putting it down for some time, they want to experience the NEWEST content. Eggomon aims to keep old areas fresh and relevant by allowing the player to return to old zones and experience new monsters, as well as offering multiple new starting locations across the map. This means areas cannot be gated by a numbered difficulty.

FURTHERMORE, monsters become more powerful by eating up to 5 fruits. Fruits are found randomly. These fruits will increase a monster’s stats and even give them new KEYWORDS that can affect... EVERYTHING. From how often you find items in battle, to how quickly obedience degrades, special effects in battle between turns, or even how fast you can run. With multiple start locations, and Evolution stones and Fruits being randomized I hope that people can have a unique experience each time they play the game.

Q: Is the art in the game final?

A: Since I (Invader Incubus (InIn)) am NOT a full time pixel artist, I consider any content I personally make, as NOT the final version. Someday I would like to hire someone with talent to redo most of the CONTENT in the game. In the meantime I will continue to cobble together the game by myself. Most of the sprites are currently an awkward 128 x 128 pixel resolution and when redrawn they will be made to be 256 x 256.

Q: The Monster (or option) I voted for, lost the election, will it ever be added to the game?

A: Maybe. It would cheapen the whole election system (which is the reward for being a patron) if I added in content that lost an election, immediately. I am thinking that any content that loses an election, but remains popular will not be revisited for at least a year. Content that loses a poll by a slim margin is likely worth revisiting in a run-off poll against other “lost content”.

Please ask whatever questions you may have in the comments, or on the games F95 Zone page. I will answer as best and often as I can. I will also save the best questions and repost them as part of future Q+A updates.

Attached: Old pic of Buddah that was scrapped. Earlier version of the game, when the game was going to have the player monster facing away from the camera, rather than the currently used side angle.



Jazuke Taizago

I came here to support you early on. And let you know, considering some jackass on F95 of Eggomon Thread wants. I don't WANT any Male Scout. I don't want any GAY. Let's keep this centralized to Female Scouts getting banged. I like this premise you created. Peace and take care!

lin dark

An achievement list would be nice just wondering what's available right now


Absolutely coming. Important since that's how you become more powerful. Little update coming today.