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hey all! so been very busy with some stuff but am working on handy hand part 2 as of typing this! it shouldn't take as long to make since i can reuse backrounds and such from the first part so do stay tuned!!

SPEAKING OF THE NEW CHARACTER!! His name is sam c: hes a rabbit and a shoplifter...the one thing merkins hates-


  • handy hand part 2 is in development as of typing this, it'll be more variety in the animation hopefully

  • after handy hand is complete will begin work on the merkins introduction vid, which'll be similar to torrins introductory vid (a night to remember, which was done back in december 2023)

  • some spelunky content since i started getting into the game again HAHA

  • hoping to expand on the torrin universe stuff, have more character and have it be some what of a small series thingy majiggy! so thats pretty exciting

  • torrins mom????

ANYWAYS an introductory video with merkins will be most likely out next after handy hand so stay tuned yall <33




Damn, that Spank Move da Cake.