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Hi everyone! Just wanted to give an update on the videos, and what you can expect this month.

Until last week, I had two videos in pre-production: one on the game Kentucky Route Zero, and one broadly on "Art About Trauma".  I was hoping to have the Kentucky Route Zero video out in April, and the "Art About Trauma" video out in early summer. 

But, as it so often does, life threw a wrench in my plans. Don't worry though, it's a good wrench! (Is there such thing as "a good wrench"? Maybe this was the wrong simile to use)  

I've been in the process of setting up a gender-affirming surgery since early last year, and after months on the waiting list, I've finally been offered a date in the first week of May - months sooner than I expected! This is great, of course, but it means I'll be out of commission for the month of May (possibly longer, but it's hard to say).

Since getting the news, I've spent most of my spare time making arrangements with my job, and getting everything in place for my recovery. It's become obvious that the Kentucky Route Zero video won't be finished before I go in for surgery. It's just too complex, and requires me playing through a 10-hour game at least twice. BUT, dear reader! Inspiration has struck for another video, and it's moving along quickly. The subject: the nebulous, transphobic idea of "Gender Ideology" that's begun to break into the mainstream, and its place in the current wave of anti-trans backlash.

This one is quite simple, and writing is coming along pretty quickly. Only having a month to write, shoot, and edit means I'll have to cut some corners - no fancy music editing, probably no Patron bonus video - but it's either this or no video at all, so I figure the sacrifice is worth it. Both of my previous video essays took months to produce, as I wrote, rewrote, shot, and reshot over and over. I have to say, it's nice to have a deadline this time around!

I'm hoping to have the video done by the end of April, so I can go into surgery with my mind clear, and take the month of May off to heal and enjoy this change I've wanted for so long. With this in mind, Patrons won't be charged for the month of May. As soon as I'm well enough, I'll get back to writing, in hopes of putting the next video out in the summer.

Hope this makes sense. As always, thank you all for your support!

<3 Lily


Darla Butler

I too would like to continue payments!! ❤️

Harriet Bowles

Congratulations! Feel free to take it easy for as long as you need, I'm happy to continue making payments to support you.