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Well, it's here! A look at the constant transfeminine search for security, care, and love.

Thank you all for helping make this possible :)


Girls Own the Void: Trans Women, Alienation, and Metastability

How do you feel safe in a life that can end at any moment, for no reason? Help some trans women today: Taking What We Need, a community group that funds trans women's living expenses: https://gofund.me/ed53d920 Help a trans woman get surgery: https://gofund.me/6f30c158 Margaux's transition fund: https://gofund.me/aa0767a8 Help trans woman fund surgery: https://gofund.me/230d8426 Support me on Patreon: https://patreon.com/lily_lxndr Twitter: https://twitter.com/lily_lxndr Sources & further reading: False vacuum: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_vacuum_decay "The Hardest Part of Getting My Tubes Tied Was Making Doctors Take Me Seriously": https://www.vice.com/en/article/xwzexq/the-hardest-part-of-getting-my-tubes-tied-was-making-doctors-take-me-seriously Ray Blanchard: https://quillette.com/2019/11/06/what-is-autogynephilia-an-interview-with-dr-ray-blanchard/ Trans employment/poverty stats: https://theconversation.com/what-the-supreme-courts-decision-on-lgbt-employment-discrimination-will-mean-for-transgender-americans-140878 Trans suicide attempt rate: https://www.transequality.org/sites/default/files/docs/resources/NTDS_Report.pdf "4 Ways That Call-Out Culture Fails Trans Women (And Therefore, All of Us)": https://everydayfeminism.com/2016/10/call-out-culture-fails-trans-women/ 0:00 The false vacuum 5:37 A role to fill 9:40 (Mis)constructing womanhood 15:41 Why are we so vulnerable? 18:29 Coercion & violence 21:16 Traumatic relationship to conflict 25:44 The true vacuum


Ruby Landau-Pincus

This video got me thinking about the metastability inherent in chronic illness as well (though of course it presents very differently).

Madeline Mausoleum (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-31 23:37:34 Your videos are so wonderful, Lily! When I came out I went through the same fight response as you articulated here. It was really comforting to hear another trans woman talk about these transformations... and to hear the sounds of A I A in the background, an album I hold dear to my heart <3
2021-07-16 18:28:39 Your videos are so wonderful, Lily! When I came out I went through the same fight response as you articulated here. It was really comforting to hear another trans woman talk about these transformations... and to hear the sounds of A I A in the background, an album I hold dear to my heart <3

Your videos are so wonderful, Lily! When I came out I went through the same fight response as you articulated here. It was really comforting to hear another trans woman talk about these transformations... and to hear the sounds of A I A in the background, an album I hold dear to my heart <3


Glad to hear this resonated with you, thank you :) And it's such a great album