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On this week’s episode of our bonus podcast Party Chat, Ben Hanson, Janet Garcia, Haley MacLean and special guest for a bit Jill Grodt from The Indie Informer talk about…

- Give To The Max charity stream update/thoughts

- Attending The Game Awards

- Debating the response to The Game Awards

- Day of the Devs highlights

- Sea of Stars love

- Final Fantasy VII Rebirth trailer details

- Reading the horror story written by the MinnMax community

If you want to join the Party Chat every single week and talk to us about what you’ve been playing, watching, or ask any question under the sun, jump up to the MinnMax Council tier! We’d love to hear from you. Party Chat is recorded each week in the Discord, there’s a Stage called MinnMax Party Chat. You’ll see it if you join the $20 tier. Jump in there and you’ll be good to go. Let us know if you have any questions!


Corey Haughey

The game awards absolutely crushes pure awards shows in terms of viewership, even outside of gaming. As a casual viewer, the world premiers are the main draw for me. It seems like the negativity (while not unfounded) echo chambers into “the show sucked” which is very silly. Maybe siphon off the time from the actors and give it to the award winners. Anthony mackie had far too much time to repeat the same joke 200 times.

Jump On Everything

Fortnite does have split screen multiplayer but the performance isn't great

Patrick Polk

I came here to say this about the ratings. I agree that they went way too far with limiting the acceptance speeches, and need to show more respect to developers (and the current year that they are celebrating, rather than the future). But comparing them to the Oscars is unfair. The Academy would KILL for the Game Awards' audience. It's like 5x (or more) the viewers. I wish there were a Video Game Oscars that was as well respected as the movie Oscars, but the movie Oscars ceremony has an ever-dwindling audience, and the Game Awards, while the most prominent game award ceremony out there, is not trying to emulate them. Perhaps the suggestion of separating the end-of-year Keighley events into a discrete Winter Games Fest and Game Awards is the answer, but if that happens I think we'll see that the awards portion has a tiny audience.