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FYI: We're recoding a live episode of The MinnMax Show on YouTube at 4pm Central after the big Summer Game Fest stream on Thursday, so it won't be available early in the bonus podcast feed or for Backstage Pass supporters.

This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and community manager Haley MacLean. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out the great prize below for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Summer Game Fest's biggest announcements

- Apple Vision Pro

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday, with an exclusive pre and post show. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!



You can also find this item for sale in iam8bit’s online store, and you can use the promo code NATIONALDONUTDAY for 10% off everything under $100. https://www.iam8bit.com/collections/all



I drove for the first time today in a parking lot. I feel like nobody ever tells you that cars automatically go forward when they are in drive? Should video games with a lot of driving adopt a more realistic approach like this? Like a buttons that switches from drive to park. Wouldn't it be funny in GTA if you got out of a car and didn't put it in park the car would start going forward?


Question for Haley: What in your mind mind is the biggest/most interesting open legal question around video games? What do you think it will be in 5 years?


Now that the first stream is done, how did this Summer Game Fest change the chances for it to take over the complete role of E3 in a few years?


G'day Minnmax. When was the last time you used a USB stick?

Joe Dean

In the lead up to the Apple stream I was hearing a lot of people saying Apple was going to be the company to make a successful headset. After hearing the price I was reassured that headsets would still be a weird niche thing until I die. Besides a significant price drop what do you think needs to happen for VR/AR headsets to be successful, and will it happen before all of us shove off this mortal coil?

Josh LaBaw

Hello Cohorts, MinnMax seems to have a lot of writers in the mix. Any ideas for writen material? I mean aside from what is sure to be a series of Lil Leo Children's books.


Dear CLCs, Game time. I have assembled a list of cohorts and guests. For each cohort or guest, I want you to guess the title of the first video game that person ever mentioned on the MinnMax Show Podcast. I included everyone on this episode plus a few tough ones from other folks on the podcast. 1. Ben - "Mass Effect 2" (Episode 0) 2. Kyle - "Ring Fit Adventure" (Ep. 0) 3. JeffM - "Tetris" (Ep. 0) 4. Haley - "Twilight Princess" (Ep. 96) 5. Matt Helgeson - "The Warriors" (Ep. 19) 6. Dan Ryckert - "Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door" (Ep. 29) 7. Jeff Gerstmann - "Mutant Football League" (Ep. 147) 8. Leo Vader - "Ghost of Tsushima" (Ep. 37) Bonus Round! In Episode 0, JeffM mentioned "Tetris" because it is his favorite game of all time. What did he say was his SECOND favorite game? Answer: "Red Dead Redemption". I seriously had to replay this multiple times because I can't believe it. This was also the episode where he mentioned that he hadn't finished Red Dead 2. Thanks! Dan Villone


Hi Ben and co, Lately I've been thinking about my favourite "title name drops" in games (where someone or something will say out loud the title of a game it never fails to make me smile, I was wondering what are some of your favourites, My all time favourite version of this is in devil may cry 3


Hey there MinnMax, Do you have other non-gaming hobbies, experiences, or things you've only ever tried because of a video game? I have a few examples to share. I tried sushi at a young age only because of the lickitung mini-game in pokemon stadium. the idea of raw fish sounded gross before then, but now its a favorite of mine when dining out. rock band taught me enough about the basics of drumming I actually learned and played drums with a few bands for many years.


How are the Twitch new rules for ADs on streams going to affect Minnmax content on the platform going forward? How will it affect the cohorts personal streams?


Hi MinnMax, I randomly turned on shaun of the dead to watch with my girlfriend and didn't tell her the name or anything about it before hand. It was almost 20 minutes in until she was like is this a zombie movie? She was under the impression it was a romantic comedy. Do you have any movie stories where you're thinking it's a certain type of movie only to be something entirely different? First time submitting a thought, thanks for all that you guys do.


Greetings Minnmaxers, What is the best comfort food? It’s probably a long list, but nothing feels better than a bowl of ice cream after a long day. Especially if you eat straight from the carton like a rom com break up scene. Any go to foods you gobble up after a stressful day?


Going in blind to see the movie f/x and f/x2 totally accomplishes this.