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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Leo Vader, and special guest Jenna Stoeber!. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out the great prize below for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- The launch of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

- Some MinnMax news

- Apple Arcade

- Jected - Rivals

Some things are under embargo, so there won't be an early version of the podcast this week for Backstage Pass supporters or folks at the $5 tier, but we'll share it when we can on Thursday with everybody. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!



You can also find this item for sale in iam8bit’s online store, and you can use the promo code MAYFLOWERS for 10% off everything under $100. https://www.iam8bit.com/collections/all



Hey Minnmax, With the news that the Super Mario Bros movie has surpassed 1 BILLION DOLLARS, it seems likely that Nintendo will make further forays into using its IP in other media. Now it may seem unlikely, but as a remote future possibility, would you rather get a new F-Zero game, or an F-Zero movie? Personally, I would absolutely watch an F-Zero movie IF the Wachowski's directed it. Love and support, Paul from Winnipeg


Playing the Street Fighter 6 demo has me believing it could be my game of the year. And the upcoming open beta announcement has me over the moon excited. If Street Fighter 6 doesn’t make fighting game fans out of new players, is it a success? What if only their core audience appreciates it? What can Street Fighter 6 do to make the jump from best fighting game of the year to just being the best game of the year?


Hey minnmax show. Do you think you could stand up and deliver in a hallmark movie? Like lead in it. Love the show.


G'day all, this one has been bugging me for years. In most horror games you will fight a boss, and after taking some damage the boss will transform into some grotesque monster, with flailing limbs and tendons. Do you think this is a one way process? Or can they revert somehow? Its quite a commitment dontcha think?! What if they had dinner plans! In the new RE4 remake some bosses even transform before taking any hits, just immediately commiting to a lifetime of being a gross fiend at the first hint of danger. Unless of course they know they can transform back. Anyway, love the show! Mark (from Wales, UK)


Hiya MinnMax. It's a simple question but what game soundtrack do you think you've listened to the most? For myself it's either Chrono Cross or Donkey Kong Country.


Hello internet weirdos. If you could time travel and see what one of your coworkers would be like when they were eight, who would you want to see?


Hi MinnMax crew and special guest Jenna! Last week the cohort talked about receiving, and trying to deal with, negativity online. Personally, being even remotely accessible or familiar to the internet community seems like a nightmare. Given that your job inherently exposes you to hateful, entitled, or even just disrespectful and disapproving language (and often much much worse if you’re a woman), what drives you to stick with it?


MinnMaxShow! First time. Long time. I know this team is full of Blankies so my question comes from the shared fandom. I slept on the Steve Jobs movie when it was released but finally watched it for the podcast. That screening led to my first audiobook, the full Isaacson biography. Really compelling. Highly recommend. Are there any biographies you recommend or want to read/have be written? Gaming or otherwise? My takeaway from the Jobs book is a good biography isn’t just about the impact of the subject, they must be a compelling character. Something I learned about Jobs: he cried in a lot of meetings!


Hello MinnMax, If you could give 200 million budget to remake an indie game what would that game be?


Hey Spin Stacks, I’ve read multiple previews for Tears of the Kingdom talking about the cumbersome controls. How will you be playing? I personally am a handheld kind of person but am considering playing exclusively with a pro controller just so I don’t have to worry about the fiddly controls and small buttons. Any recommendations?


lol I love this question. The correct answer is JeffM of course


Dear Ben, YAAAAAAY FOR BEN!!! sincerely, RabidLime


Dear best new parasocial buds, What are some unwritten rules when it comes to the question bucket? Things that some people might not think about as a listener. Are there any definite no-nos? BBBBONUS QUESTION: Best anime intro theme Thanks, Kholdstare aka Derek from Ottawa