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On this week’s episode of our bonus podcast Party Chat, Ben Hanson and community manager Haley MacLean talk about…

- The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and planning for The Deepest Dive

- Why Ben Hanson dislikes actors

- Teasing announcements for May

- How they'd tackle a Super Smash Bros. movie

- Game lore theories

- Game Freak's Pulseman

If you want to join the Party Chat every single week and talk to us about what you’ve been playing, watching, or ask any question under the sun, jump up to the MinnMax Council tier! We’d love to hear from you. Party Chat is recorded each week in the Discord, there’s a Stage called MinnMax Party Chat. You’ll see it if you join the $20 tier. Jump in there and you’ll be good to go. Let us know if you have any questions!



I'm actually kinda disappointed at TOTK being the next Deepest Dive - just doesn't feel like a game that suits the format but that's just my gut feeling


I'd say I feel the same, but I totally get why TOTK is their choice here. This could potentially be the most new viewers/patrons they could gain from a deepest dive due to the popularity of the game. Even if the format doesn't really work, I'm always rooting for them to get a great turnout for things like this. I personally don't think this game will work well for the deepest dive and I definitely won't be listening until I'm done with the game, but it will be interesting to see if this will get them a surge of new viewers. I just keep thinking about what happens if Link gets transported across the map. Do they just start talking about the new quadrant they are in? Do they run back to the quadrant where they were before? Will be fun to see!


I used to be in anime journalism, and I absolutely get Ben's take on actors. There is nothing worse than really wanting to dig deep into how a show was made, and then PR just sends you a bunch of voice actors who were only involved in one very small part at the end. Drived me up the freaking wall. What questions am I meant to write? "Did you have fun?"


You aren’t familiar with Arlo?? Definitely check him out for Nintendo YouTube content


I’m personally excited about a TotK deepest dive, since I bet there’s really hours of discussion to be had on its systems and general map design without even spoiling story points or specific quests. The first episode could just be contained within this game’s “Great Plateu” and last 3 hours.


Ben's views on actors are hilarious to me 😂 It seems very much based in a journalistic sense with how much he focused on the way they act in interviews. That's quite a small portion of their lives, it just happens to be the content we are most exposed to in terms of them behaving as 'normal' people. It's probably a terrible measuring stick on who they are as real people, being asked the same questions over and over again for press availability they're obligated to do. They're just performers Ben, not some cabal of nefarious liars 😅 Think about how anyone is at interactions they are obligated to have, for example, customer service jobs, athletes at press conferences after games, sales people...you get that same type of performative, disingenuous behavior in a lot of situations. I think you're really over thinking this Ben and hope your war on actors gets called off lol