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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Leo Vader, Jacob Geller, and Sarah Podzorski. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out the great prize below for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Dead Island 2

- Minecraft Legends

- Disney Speedstorm

- Dredge

- The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog

- XDefiant

- Sifu

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday, with an exclusive pre and post show. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!



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Would YOU murder Sonic the Hedgehog?


Hey Ben, I've noticed how casually you refer to your coworkers, whether they're in the room or not: Sarah. Leo. Kelsey. However, Jacob Geller is always "Jacob Geller". Never Jacob. So what's the deal? Do you respect him more than everyone else? Does he demand to be referred to by his full title? Also, did anyone ever have any good nicknames growing up, or ever want to be called by something else? Thanks, have a good one!


To welcome in all the new Final Fantasy fans following MinnMax after the recent State of Play reaction, I think it's time for a little game I like to call "X-V-I, Magnum P.I., or Just Some Guy?" The rules are simple: I will list several names and you must determine whether they are a character from the upcoming Final Fantasy XVI, a character from the 80s television show Magnum P.I., or just a name I made up. Agatha Chumley (Magnum P.I.) Francis Hofstetler (Magnum P.I.) Luther Gillis (Magnum P.I.) Jonathan Higgins (Magnum P.I.) Theodore Calvin (Magnum P.I.) Thomas Magnum (Magnum P.I.) Orville Wright (Magnum P.I.) Yoshi Tanaka (Magnum P.I.) Jim Bonnick (Magnum P.I.) Clive Rosfield (FFXVI)


Hey panel(...de Pon enthusiasts)! Simple question: what's the Fuse composition you can't wait to put together in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom? Personally I can't wait to put a piece of meat on top of a large Boomerang.


Hey pals. On the back of some of the recent reaction stream discussion I thought this would be a fun question. What’s a really nice thing that’s happened to you this year so far?


Hey everybody, with the Mario bros movie blowing up the charts, I’m reminded of the days of old when we were privileged enough to get movie tie in games. My question is if you could pick one movie that didn’t get a tie in to receive one what would it be and what style of game? Would you do a “Forest Gump” Sports game complete with football, ping pong, track and field, and fishing? Or a “ Bridget Jones’s diary” dating sim. Or anything from a movie not made 20 years ago, the possibility’s are endless.


Hi CLC! This is the top 10 list from metacritic for games released this year: 1. Metroid Prime Remastered 2. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition 3. Tetris Effect: Connected 4. /5./6. Resident Evil 4 Remake (different platforms). 7. Moss: Book II 8. Persona 4 Golden 9. Dead Space 10. Hi-Fi Rush That is one helluva lot of remakes. Are we entering a golden era of remakes where we'll a lot more of this?


Hey CLCs! I just booted up Ghostwire Tokyo for the first time today (thank you PS Plus Extra), and noticed that in the first level, the escalators are actually moving. It got me thinking, I don't remember too many games where the escalators actually work. They are usually broken down (like in The Last of Us). What are some games that you can think of where the escalators are working?


Hey gang, Playing a lot of old games via NSO has shown me that... not many are good, or at least don’t hold up to modern sensibilities. My belief is that the GBA/Gamecube era is the turning point where most of them still feel good to play now (shout out Kuru Kuru Kururin, thanks Ben). I didn’t grow up with them so I don’t think I've got nostalgia blindness either!! Do you think that this shows that in the past 20 years innovation has been lacking, aside from graphics, compared to the previous 20, as many early 2000s games align with 2023 sensibilities? Am I nuts?!?


Wiifit was promoted as "a way to get families to exercise together" - did it accomplish this goal after 15 years? Have you ever met someone that legitimately lost weight due to wiifit? Will RingFit have a similar trajectory?


Hey MinnMax! First of all, y'all slay so hard. So stoked to be a new member of the Patreon Crew! I've been watching the Dead Island 2 release with a ton of interest because well, zombies. Then, like some twisted clockwork, I saw that Dying Light 2 is marketing a major update just a day before Dead Island 2's release. And not like any update, but an update featuring focused on gore, physics, and dismemberment which seems to be exactly what Dead Island 2 is touting as its main attraction. It got me thinking, what are some of y'all's favorite "Competitive Moments" for competing franchises? Keep up that amazing work!


Howdy MinnMax, Aftering hearing Leo talk about Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt on last week's podcast, I tried it out for myself and got my friends hooked on it too! I have been lukewarm on Battle Roayals for a couple of years now, but this has reinvigorated my love for the genre. I am sad to see the player count is so low on Steam. I want this game to flourish into something truly unique in the Battle Royale space, but what I am to do as just a player? How do you guys recommend an individual support the growth of a game? It is enough just to spend the $60 on it? Does being active in a game's discord effect the continuation of a game? Thanks!!