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On this week’s episode of our bonus podcast Party Chat, Ben Hanson is joined by MinnMax's community manager Haley MacLean (and Game Informer's Alex Van Aken for a bit) to talk about…

- Wireless mic technology

- Video quality versus speed

- Planning Trivia Tower

- Dredge

- Dead By Daylight

- Why Tears of the Kingdom might be a prequel to Breath of the Wild

- Toxic online fandoms/reaction streams

- Bowser's Peaches song

If you want to join the Party Chat every single week and talk to us about what you’ve been playing, watching, or ask any question under the sun, jump up to the MinnMax Council tier! We’d love to hear from you. Party Chat is recorded each week in the Discord, there’s a Stage called MinnMax Party Chat. You’ll see it if you join the $20 tier. Jump in there and you’ll be good to go. Let us know if you have any questions!



Hey Ben! Can I make a request for new show plus? I would love to see a revival of something like the Sick Stunts videos from back in the GI days. I feel like the minnmax crew would have a ton of fun with a video along those lines!


Yup, we'd love to do that at some point. Kyle's schedule is tight on Tuesdays, but never say never!


I'll keep an eye out for it one day! Also, just want to say that it super sucks how much hate you get for the FF reaction. I know it can be hard to brush that stuff off.


Hello! Just wanted to leave a little bit of a comment on the toxic negativity section in regards to the FF16 reaction. In my opinion, It wasn't so much that you were negative on a game and that you should fake like everything but more when compared to all of your other reactions and content, this one just seemed like you guys were looking for things to be negative about. So much so that at one point in the reaction you even asked Sarah if she was even looking forward to the game. I'm not a FF fan or anything (have only really played ff7 remake) but am a fan you guys and the more general positivity that you guys tend to display in the rest of your content and this reaction just seemed at odds with that. I am definitely not agreeing with the majority of those toxic ff fanboys but just what I took away from the video. After all your tag line is "Be Good, have fun, lets go" and it really didn't feel like you guys were having fun Just my 2 cents, still love what you all do and happy to be a patron!


Yup, that's totally fair feedback. We don't mean to lump everybody who was disappointed by our tone into the "toxic" camp. I think we were having fun.


You guys should be allowed to be luke warm or even negative on something. If you genuinely aren’t excited for something, tell us that. Don’t let them bully you into being positive for positivity’s sake.


I wouldn't worry too much about comments on youtube. If you have a video on a topic with a dedicated fan base, you are going to get folks who freak out if you aren't 100 percent effusive towards it.


Ben, you said you are a generous tipper, which is good. But you said you have trouble with the math. 20% is what is considered an appropriate amount typically. So, just move the decimal over once to the left for 10% (ex: if bill is $5.10, then 10% is $0.51). Now for 20%, just double the 10% (so, in the previous example where $0.51 was 10%, 20% would be $1.02 or 2x 0.51). Sorry for the lengthy explanation, but I too struggled with tips until my mom showed me this trick to make it easy. Hope that made sense.