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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kelsey Lewin, and special returning guest Chris Kohler from Digital Eclipse. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out the great prize below for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- The life and philosophy of Shigeru Miyamoto

- Feel free to submit our favorite fun fact/quote about Miyamoto

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday, with an exclusive pre and post show. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!



You can also find this item for sale in iam8bit’s online store, and you can use the promo code SHAMROCKSHAKE for 10% off everything under $100. https://www.iam8bit.com/collections/all



Hi MinnMax, We’ve all heard of Excitebike, but I feel people forget that Miyamoto was the director, producer, and designer of the game. Excitebike is one of my favorite NES titles and the engine was used for Super Mario Bros making it surprisingly important in the grand scheme of things. There’s even a Mario version of the game for Satellaview. I’d love to hear about your Excitebike thoughts and memories.


Ahoy good folks of MinnMax. Miyamoto is synonymous with Nintendo, but imagine a scenario where Miyamoto knocks on the doors of Microsoft and Sony studios, does his enthusiastic smile and wave, and declares he is to direct one of each of their games where all his opinions and decisions are law. What game does each studio give Miyamoto to direct? And what does the end product of the game look like?


Hey MinnMax - what's something from high school that you learned that lives rent free in your brain? Bonus points if it's never relevant to your day to day. Thanks! ALEX


Recalling last week's discussion of the "brand drawer": I work at a liquor store, and I too have an equivalent brand drawer with various logos of distilleries and products. It's nice to have a wide variety to choose from for the daily grind. I am glad the brand drawer concept spans many industries. Cheers


I recently logged into my Switch for the first time in a long while and was promptly told that my username (Trapezoid) was not allowed anymore and I had to change it. I was quite annoyed as I’ve been using this name online since about 1997 or so. I get that there is technically a bad word in there, but I mean . . . Come on, man, it’s a shape! In honor of this annoyance, I’ve created a game I like to call “Is It Allowed?” The premise is simple, I put a bunch of names into my Switch, some of which were allowed, and some of which were not. YOU DECIDE WHICH IS WHICH! 1. Titmouse (Allowed) 2. Poppycock (Allowed) 3. Pussycat (Not Allowed) 4. Homosapien (Not Allowed) 5. Who’re you (Not Allowed)


My friend and started playing Diablo III on PC together and it has me wondering what first hour of a video game you’ve played the most? For me, it’s probably Diablo III or Borderlands 2 with all the different characters I’ve made over the years and all the different platforms I’ve played on.

Brady Griffith

What games did you try long after their release date and find that they were extremely your jam? Why did you put it off? I never played the original Dead Space because I thought it'd be too scary, but I wanted to finally try it to compare to the remake, and I LOVED it. Flew through it a few days (and of course then listened to the Deepest Dive).


Avengers had its final update. Looking back on the game, do you think the game was as bad as people made it out to be? I booted the game up to see how it was, and the combat is still really good. Yes, the level design is horrible because it’s a live service, and the enemies are lame, but the actual combat is fantastic. The story mode is also, pretty good. I think the media just couldn’t help but to focus on the live service aspect and Spider-Man being exclusive. Looking at the live service games that came after Avengers, I think it’s safe to say Avengers is better than what came after.


Good news bad news: the good news is my wife and I are about to close on our first house! The bad news is I have a large plastic bin of old game cases and I don't want to lug them around with me! The discs are safe in a disc binder, but what do I do with these cases? What do you all do with old game cases? If I recycle them, am I a bad gamer?! Help!


Do you think Miyamoto’s classic characters are iconic because of their character design, or simply because of the game design of the games they were featured in?


With Chris and a Kelsey on the show I want to hear their thoughts on game preservation. When do you think it’s time for a remake? Developers are seeing the success of remakes, especially with the revitalization of some early 2000s titles. However, games like the Cowabunga collection, the various Castlevania collections etc. have got me wondering. Does this seem like one of the better ways to start preserving older game titles for both developers and the gaming community?

Mike R.

Hi Ben, loved the E3 memories revisit posting on YT! Q: Have you considered hiring a part-time marketing person, you need one asap, seriously you guys are doing an awesome job!